Chapter Five

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He awoke slowly,his eyes opening to view the beautiful skin of the goddess that lay next to him. She was sound asleep the sunlight beaming through lowered blinds and shadowed under black curtains,he smiled at her as he only watched her taking in her sleeping form her hair the raven black sheets framed around her face with a dark hue of red at the very tips. Her eyes closed,lips slightly parted and a breathless sound as her luminous breasts rising and falling as she slept. His eyes of blazing fire trailed down her body slowly as she lay against him her head on his chest and lean powerful leg wrapped around his waist. Adonis loved her,he was saying it in his mind felt it in his soul and seared through his heart that would forever beat for her no matter that she called herself a monster,he didn't see a monster in her he couldn't and wouldn't ever be the man that turned his back to her. He leaned down slowly and pressed his lips softly to her head and after years of training and told that no man that smiled would live an honest life adonis looked at the woman that he called his and felt his chest swell with hurt,hurt for her and that her living life was taken from her unbearable pain of only imaging what she had to go through to fight and survive. He himself had already been broken as a man when the life he had lived wasn't suitable for the other people around him,with the baron and the clan of which he reigns over adonis had to grow as a man before being thrown into the soulless void of a non heart having killer blood handed murder,vampires and rogue wolves alike,to his baron all supernaturals were a threat to the human race.

Adonis "the lone wolf" named so for that of all the barons best warrior enforces he ranked the very top with the most supernatural body count on the list of the barons enemies. Adonis had no hate for his baron however the methods of which he trained his men was a streak that no other baron dared to trifle with,a low soft moan from layla brought him out of his thoughts.He looked over at her and smiled a full smile,deep peace and serenity filled his heart at the sight of his woman slowly sat up and looked over at him,eyeing him watching him as he got up from sitting on the side of the bed. He yawned and stretched moaning as the pop of his muscles sounded through the room,he made his way to the bathroom and turned on the walk in shower with his towel and bodywash in hand he turned to find layla still bare still naked with her wild sex hair marking her facial features. He watched as she slowly bit and tucked in her bottom lip,adonis had never seen something so sensual so sexy that he wanted to be in her again,feel the tightening grip of her pussy as he pounded into her with starved fever. Layla watched adonis slowly,deliciously taking in the sight of the man that had fucked her,loved her the previous night in the bed they shared she felt all of his emotions his lips that kissed her skin,soft satin lips that sucked and teeth that nipped. She felt her nipples point and harden,her pussy pulsed as the memories of last night ran through her mind and she wanted to be taken again,fucked and then loved again by him. She resisted the strong urge to walk over to him and have her way with him,the moments of their passion just wouldn't leave her mind until adonis said something that brought out of her horny sex state. "Hm?" His deep chuckle musically sounded in her ears,she could listen to him laugh for her whole immortal life up until he died. "I said are you going to work today? It's saturday my sweet love." Layla smiled as she felt her pussy clench in agonizing hunger"can I join you?" The shower door was closed yet she could hear his sharp intake of breath,she inched closer and closer to the shower door. Hungry and needing,the burning only intensified as she put her hand on the handle of the shower door until she heard the one word that stopped her. "Im sorry layla my love but I can"t" layla frowned and whined under her breath,her desire not running down she did the one thing she wasn't used to doing. "Please adonis,I need you again I need you in me again hot hard and deep. I need you to fuck me please its not going away." The shower door opened,adonis stood under the water the hot droplets falling on his skin like he was born of the shower itself a warrior that held no fear of anything man or supernatural being. "Layla if I take you again it'll be more then just this shower and my bed that i take you in,it'll be on the floor,in my kitchen,on the counter. Against the wall and every door of this house and by god if I don't burst from the intensity of it all we'll both be burning till we die of pleasure babygirl." Layla moaned,her eyes turning a dark shade of brown then slow swirls of red,her fangs itching aching to sink into him again. Adonis grabbed her and pulled her flush against him,the hard steel rod known as his dick touched her hot needy hungry pussy and she could cum just from the feel of it. He pulled her hair,fisted and wrapped in a soft but firm grip of males hand and his eyes black with lust. "Adonis if you don't do something right now I will have my way with you in this shower and all over this house until-" she gasped,the kiss hot needy and hungry. His tongue and hers touched,fought and battled,warred with neither of them giving into the other. Adonis growled and layla moaned and sighed in pleasure,she found herself against the shower wall bare naked to her mate. wait,could he be? She already knew the answer as soon as their lips touched,as soon as they locked eyes on eachother and his possessiveness over her. She pulled back and then switched them so that adonis was against the shower wall now. She wanted to touch,taste and savour what belonged to her. "Let me taste you adonis feel my mouth around your dick" Adonis couldn't believe what he was hearing,tasting him would be his destruction  and touching him would only make him hunger for her more then he already was. Dying. Layla slowly went down to her knees,to her prize" Mine" she looked up at him,her eyes deep into his soul claiming and marking him bounding him to her"say it adonis,say your mine" she slowly pulled back at the covered foreskin "say your mine" adonis moaned panted,resisting the urge to thrust his dick into her mouth until he died from the pleasure of his semen blasting into her mouth" I'm yours layla" Layla moaned,she then smiled and took his dick licking the slightly open tip slowly,teasing stroking and savouring him. Then without warning she shoved her mouth onto his dick,fully to the back of her throat. Adonis moaned and arched his back,layla ran her hands up and down his strong thighs the muscles clenching and bunching under her touch.

Adonis ran his hands through her hair,layla pulled back and looked up at him. "Fuck my mouth adonis" adonis moaned and thrusted his dick into her open mouth first slowly and then in sweet pleasure,layla moaned as she tasted full male and sweet she wanted him to fill her mouth. She took control and pressed adonis against the wall with her hands going up and down his abs,hard and fast she sucked and licked as he kept thrusting faster and faster deeper into her mouth. "fuck layla im not guna last" she moaned again and flicked her tongue against the underside of his tip and he bucked hard,she wasn't done there she then held him in her mouth and moved her tongue back and forth against the tip of his dick and then she felt his warm hot semen blast into her mouth she swallowed all of him happily and moaned,her name moaned in sated pleasure off of his lips.

Adonis panted,sated and pleasured,he found it hard to believe that his woman had made him cum so much from just a blowjob,he looked down at her and pulled her up to him and kissed her hard.then he made her switch and went down to his knees and licked her pussy,bare not a single hair atop her pussy as he dipped his tongue into her pussy"oh fuck! Yes! Yes!" She grabbed his hair and pulled,riding humping and grinding her pussy into his face. Adonis tasted savoured and marked her pussy lashed it with each stroke lick and kiss of his tongue against her pussy as she rode her orgasm and his tongue still deep inside her pussy. She was wet dripping and crying out for more as he went faster and deeper his assault on her pussy only making her cream and ride his face until she saw stars. "Oh fuck eat my pussy eat me adonis eat my pussy baby" he kept licking and kissing,then he rolled his tongue against her clit and then she exploded,stars constellations with the moon she saw as she came. Hard. Adonis swallowed all of her into his mouth as she rode out her pleasure and then he held her in his arms as she came down on the shower floor." Come,its late. I need to take you home" she slowly nodded and helped eachother up. As layla got into her bra and panties adonis could only wonder if she always wore lace bras and panty sets,he'd buy her different kinds. Ones with bows and openings to where he could slide into her without having to undress her. She was his goddess on legs and he thanked god that she was only his. After dressing himself they went out to his car and got in,he backed out of the driveway and drove his way to her apartment. He parked in an open space and got out,after helping her out on still wobbly legs she smiled up at him and kissed him slowly. He smiled as they got to her door and she stopped herself before opening the door. He pulled her to him and held her close as she rested her head against his chest she was at ease,peace and felt safe in his arms the scent of him made her feel like she was floating in the air. Until a strong cold presence called to her,a man she couldn't resist. "I have to go now adonis thank you for tonight" adonis nodded and turned to walk away,after he was out of sight layla turned and the door was thrown open.


On the other side her master stood in rage and anger,a cup of wine in his hand,layla put her head down as she walked inside. He was angry with her" the annual meeting is tonight,you must be ready not out and about prancing around with some filth of a human." anger bubbled in her system as she whipped around to face her master,calling her mate filth was a huge mistake" first,you can't come into my house and tell me what the fuck to do and second that filth just so happens to be the most amazing and caring man that was ever born." Alucard growled down at his small vampire girl"alright office girl,have it your way but the full moon is tonight. Be there with the rest of our kind or i will hunt your so called caring man down and then kill him myself." With that he left. Leaving layla to get dressed,taking a quick shower she dawned a dark red holter top that stretched past her waist,black pants that hugged her hips and normal sneakers. She looked at the clock and groaned as she saw the time, it was only a little after 11 but it would take her an hour to get to the place of the gathering. She made sure all of her belongings were on her as she quickly jumped out of her back room window from in her room and dashed off into the forest.

Being that many knew about the 'lone wolf' at the gathering,he put on his natural attire for the night. He dawned a plain red t-shirt black sleeveless cardigan hoodie,the baron wolf clan symbol on the back of it along with his weapons at his back. Twin katana blades,at his back with a gun holster for a desert eagle pistol with six shot rounds. The tips of the bullets cased in holy water and silver arrow tips. Any werewolf or vampire shot by his gun never lived again. The baron always kept up to par on the latest humane defenses. Adonis walked out of his back patio door and took a jog through the forest heading to the junctioned gathering of the baron hunters and supernaturals. All together in one place. After jogging and then running for a full hour adonis had arrived,his hoodie pulled over his head with a mask over his eyes mouth and face. A clear view and in plain sight,ready to fight if needed,the vampire and werewolf covens and packs gathered in a small clearing. The gathering has begun.

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