Chapter Two

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As she settled into her home and closed the door of her apartment she walked into her room dropping her things carelessly and plopped herself on her bed and sighed in content,relishing in the fact that she was finally home and thankfully before the sun no longer touched the horizon. She stretched her body out and yawned as she looked over at her nightstand clock reading only 10 after 6,she sat up on her king sized bed and decided for a hot shower and then a good nights sleep before her hunt at midnight.
She got up and walked into her bathroom and turned on the stand in shower,grabbing her towel with her passion fruit and fiery orange body wash soap she walked into the hot shower letting the water touch,soothe and caress her ebony skin. She closed her eyes as she moved the soft sponge over her body,she let her imagination and dreams wander while under the waters of her shower. His hands glided softly like small feathers against her skin as she moaned at the feeling of his hands,caressing easing and petting her as he took hold of the sponge in her hand." I want to help,let me." The tone held no room for argument and she sighed in content at the gesture,the more he moved his hands on her body with the sponge the harder her nipples became and the stronger the sexual urge became as she bit her inner lip as he glided the sponge agonizingly slow against her skin,up and down her plump round breasts down to her hips and stomach and slowly lower to her thighs and in between. He then turned her around to face him,his hands slowly coming up to her cheeks as he held her face in his hands."open your eyes beautiful,let me see your eyes" she then opened her eyes,there he stood in his wet all naked toned glory his before her as if in offering and she was very pleased with who stood in front of her. Her eyes glided,watched studied and scanned her African skinned king,wanting so desperately to reach out and touch him,feel him against her. There in that instant he was on his knees in front of her the water now fully hitting his face and body as she only watched in pleasure as he slowly reached out and touched her thighs and looked up directly into her eyes,searching wondering,lusting."right here layla,if I don't kiss you here,taste you here I'll die of not knowing what its like. I have to taste you kiss you." She reached down and suddenly felt nothing but air,her mind thrown for a whirlwind as she waved her hands in front of her and like a splash of cold water she gasped.

Layla opened her eyes,she turned off the now cold water wrapped herself in the towel she brought in with her and exited into her bedroom but not before taking a look in her mirror. Was it a dream? She looked herself over in her reflection and saw it,felt it and her body cried out for more as she felt her nipples strain and harden her pussy slick wet and clench in abandon for the man in her dreams. She closed her sighed in sadness as she walked out of the bathroom and changed into her night clothing consisting of a T-shirt and boyshorts,she then walked over to her bed and layed down on the soft sheets letting out another yawn she turned her body to the window and was about to let sleep overtake her when there came a knock at her door. Irritated and still slightly horny she got up out of her bed and growled mumbling curses as she walked to her door and stood in front of it"who is it?" There came no answer,she huffed in annoyance and began to turn and walk back to her room when she felt a cold air draft sweep into her home. She simply shrugged it off and continued her small journey back to her bedroom when she caught the presence of another person in her room,she growled in rage and vampire sped into her room bursting the door open to find the figure standing with his back to her staring out at the light glowing of the city.

Before she could another word the figure turned around slowly and if even possible her face turned even pailer as the figure that stood across from her smiled in amusement"this is a very nice place you have,it would be a shame if it were to say be..."extinct". Cold hard and calculating,she didn't understand why she of all people had to have the most arrogant and cold of all pure vampire makers.
One person could a draw simple conclusion between layla and her maker,she didn't like him and he disgusted and despised her because she isn't like most vampires she wanted to be with humans where as her maker and master forbid it because she was no longer human. "You know after 7 years you would think that the meaning of "grateful" would've changed in the decades that I've been alive but alas" he fully faces her" I can see that it hasn't" she glared at him,angry and unyielding in her angry stare at him."how dare you come in my house trying to tell me how I should be grateful for how you turned me against my damn will." Her master rose his eyebrow in question"against your will?" His eyes then glowed over in anger"was it not I who gave you life when you begged for mercy to be placed upon you at your death? Was it not I who raised you and brought you into this new life? I who you so sickeningly despise the very thing that you feared that you now are?" layla growled as her hands clenched" I didn't see any point in living!? You didn't give me a choice you took that from me when you took my soul and placed it into something that was never meant to have one,because of you I don't have a heart. Just a soul,lifeless and burdened with the stench of death at my feet." He laughed,the sound only infuriated her further." So I save you from the gate of death and the devil or god himself and you can do nothing but hate me for it? Foolish little youngling if not for me you would be dead in that house that night,I found you and gave you life to live again!?" Layla screamed in anger as she launched herself at him aiming to rip him to pieces but before she even landed a finger on him she felt the air leave her lungs and pain erupt through her body as it collided with a wall,her throat gripped tightly in a strong hold. His eyes dark cold and enraged" you will be grateful to me,I am your master and you do as I say!? You are my protege and whether you like it or not you are my responsibility. I own you Layla Reeves,am I understood!?" She felt her life leaving her until she dropped to floor weaving. The shadow knelt down in front of her and lifted her eyes to his"am I understood?" She nods"yes my master"He smiles and pats her head,he then stands back up and walks over to the balcony window and opens the sliding door"on the next full moon there will be a gathering,you will be there. The hunters are rising and both rogue wolf and vampire are becoming a problem. See to it that you aren't late my little girl."And with a whisper her master is gone. She gets up slowly and walks over to the balcony door and closes it shut locking it,sighing as she feels the wetness of her eyes start to come undone she walks over to her bed and curls herself in a ball and let's her tears fall on the pillow that holds her head on the mattress staring at the dark woods that sit in front of her eyes as she closes them and goes to sleep.

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