Preview of Chapter Ten

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He was ready,the burning current of fury surged through his veins and boiled his body. They wanted to prove a point,go rogue and be free from their baron that ruled their lives years of loyalty and service all for a man that only wanted to fulfill the promise of his dead wife. The promise that only he and Adonis knew about,adonis knew that his baron was at his own end and he took the only option that he knew was open to him at this point. He knew in the end that both of them would be in hell however Adonis didn't plan to die on his knees and would survive. His drive,determination and resolve to survive and live for his vampire woman,his mate is what kept him going to see her again he would do anything. His eyes calmly scanned the room of cogs and other rogue warriors,in his mind he was impressed with the fact that so many had planned this and it took so little effort. He smiled to himself in pride,pride that his leader his baron would die in peace knowing that his legacy still lived past all his demons that he had created in his reign. His baron closed his eyes just as Adonis fought free of the two Colts and ducked low as a arrow passed over his head,he pulled his gun from his holster and fired the bullet.

The moon was full,her senses on high alert as she ran. Her legs carrying her  for miles and body running off of pure adrenaline,she finally ran out of breath as she tripped fell and rolled and hit a sharp rock that scarred the bottom of her foot. She hissed as she stopped rolling and looked down at her foot,it would heal in an hour as she roughly dragged herself from the ground and looked up to see a man standing in front of her. She wasn't sure how long she had run but she new she was far from her pursuers. She surveyed her surroundings,she somehow ended up on a man's front lawn. The man looked at her confused as she quickly thought of a fake story to cover the truth until the man walked down the steps and got closer to her in vision. His eyes a dark blue while his skin a rich tan color. He then reached down to his waist and whipped out a pistol. She heard the click  of the safety go off as she looked at him with her body posed to attack." You're trespassing."Layla readied her body to take the shot. She was tired of running and fighting. She breathed and closed her eyes.

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