Chapter Three

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Three whole weeks has passed and in that time the gathering crew closer and closer today was friday and unfortunately for her tonight was the call for the gathering. The moon would be full which also meant that werewolves and other vampire covens would be prowling the night just like her,as she sat in her office typing away at her computer she wondered if she would see him again. She internally hated the fact that she had to cancel their date,for more then just the obvious reason because she knew he was human and she was scared for him more then for her. She still couldn't fully control the lust for blood,even with the sun weakening her strength and only dulling her senses the blood lust only increased over the nights she went hunting. No matter how hard she fought it the hunger just kept coming back stronger and stronger,she still doesn't see how her master was able to control the urges like he does. She bite her tongue in disgust at the thought of him and she huffed as she remembered that he had saved her life but it wasn't by her choice.

April 10 2010
Rain thunder and lightning met her that night layla was in her car,music blasting through her speakers as she rounded a sharp turn. She had just left the library after a late night read from one of her favorite authors and was more then determined to make a trip again the next night,she turned down the main road when she suddenly saw something fly by her car. She slammed on the breaks and tried to keep from turning but she lost control and the car flipped over and over,sliding and skidding across the cement floor and finally hit a railing. Her vision blurry and her ears ringing as everything came back to her,she groaned as her head felt like it was exploding all over her car,she tried to move her arm but all that did was make pain explode in her arm. The smell of oil reached her nose as she tried desperately to get out of the car,suddenly the door was ripped open and she was pulled out into a strong cold body. Her head hurt so much with pain that all she was black spots,she blacked out. She awoke to find herself in a room that wasn't her own,she gasped and sprang up in the bed only to scream out in pain as she looked down to see her waist banged up tightly and her clothes hanging off the back of a leather chair.

The bedroom door slowly creaked open to reveal a man in a tank top and grey shorts,his raven black hair pulled back in a ponytail his face pale white with a suprisingly chiseled jaw and strong lean body with tattoos from his left arm to his right and connecting at his upper shoulders. She watched him as he stood in the door way,if not for the fact that she was basically naked and scared she'd thank him happily take her things and leave but something in her was compelling,demanding that she stay. She then realized in shock what was standing not too far infront of her,"your a vampire." He nods quietly"yes and you are a human,more importantly you are in a house full of vampires so I suggest you keep your voice quiet and low." She slowly nodded knowing she didn't have a choice in the matter."what's your name?" She raised an eyebrow in question,she didn't know this person yet something told her that she would be fine" my name is layla,what's yours?"  He crosses his arms and leans against the door frame just his stance alone has a cold shiver go down her back. his still studying and watching her as he then simply stands up straight turns opens the room door and leaves her still sitting on the bed. Layla then huffed in irritation and got off of the bed,her feet touching the surprisingly soft wooden floor as she goes after the man that saved her,before she completely leaves the room she stops in front of a full body mirror and looks herself over. Shes dressed in a t-shirt that covers down to her ass with blue boy shorts that go down past her knees. She left the room to turn down a long dark hallway,as she took a guess as to which way the man went she walked further down the long hallway until she came to a spiraling staircase. As she took the steps downstairs making sure to keep her steps light she could hear voices and low moans,when she got to the last step she heard a loud scream and then saw a man being tossed through the air and landing on the wooden floor hard enough to make her silently cringe as she watched the man cower in fear pleading whoever had thrown him earlier"p-please i-ill bring you more i-i just n-" out of nowhere a blur of air was in front of him,a thick mane of raven black hair fell on strong feminine shoulders,darkening jaguar like green eyes 35 C cup breasts covered and dressed in a flowing flannel shirt with plain washed jeans and brown combat boots. The woman grabbed the man roughly by his shoulder and effortlessly raised him in the air like he weighed nothing and growled as her fangs snapped from her gums and hissed in anger,she couldn't explain it but layla could feel the anger reveling in her body as if she wasn't the woman standing a few feet from the scene in front of her." you will heal my brother or so help me you will die a slow and painfully agonizing death" wait who's her brother? The woman turned and looked at layla,she slowly put the man down and in seconds was infront of layla before she could blink. The woman eyed layla slowly and then smirked"so are you another one of his nightly str-" layla just reacted,she cocked back and swung her hand connected to the woman's jaw. hard. The woman staggered back slightly and then suddenly she just started laughing,layla then registered what she had just done as the pain in her hand vibrated through her body. "Oh shit" layla looked at the woman still laughing and then back at her now broken hand,the woman stopped laughing as layla then regained her composure. "I didn't have sex with whoever your talking about,I just got here." The woman looks into Layla's eyes and suddenly layla felt the air leaving her lungs in ragged breathes,she couldn't breathe. She glared at the other woman as she smiles and wrenches back and impales her Stomach dragging her nails against laylas skin,she could only watch in horror as the blood. Her blood leaves her body. Then suddenly the woman is thrown away from her,as layla falls to her knees shes caught in strong arms. Red eyes meeting her brown ones as her eyes started to get heavy, she felt very tired. She closed her eyes as darkness welcomed her into its cold embrace.

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