Chapter Ten

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She readied her body for the shot,it would hurt but the bullet wouldn't kill her unless it was a holy bullet and those were sold on the black market she new. The man still had his gun raised and aimed at her until a feminene voice called from behind the tall man." Ryder the hell are you doin?" Layla glanced behind the tall man and saw a woman looking to about her mid 20s,raven black hair falling to her shoulders and pulled up into a short tail her skin a mixture of light and dark brown with bright brown eyes with a hint of green in them. Her appearance was a normal tshirt and boy shirts that looked to belong to the taller man whom layla assumed was either her boyfriend or husband due to the identical rings on both their fingers. Layla raised her hands up in surrender and chose this time to speak" Please don't shoot,i know what it problaby looks like but i was chased by some really mean men that were after me." The tall man known as ryder turned and looked at his wife and then back to layla as he slowly lowered his weapon,the woman walked up to layla with a look of worry that only a mother could have that crossed her features. " i'm terribly sorry about that please dont mind my husband he shoots first and asks later. My name is Tyra Fallway,the big guy behind is my husband Ryder  Fallway." Layla nodded slowly and smiled " my name is Layla Rivera nice to meet you" Tyra smiled as they shook hands,ryder growled a few feet behind tyra and she giggled " he doesn't like that you're a vampire but he has to get over it" Layla looked at Tyra shocked as they walked up the small porch steps and into the house along with ryder slowly behind. The house though small on the outside was wide and spacious on the inside,mostly wooden flooring in the main door with a dark oak wood texture throughtout the house until you get to the island and kitchen with a winter beach themed wall painted with light and dark blues with a tan stripe splitting it in half. Layla was amazed" Your house is a amazing tyra i love it" tyra smiles " thank you love,we love it here." Ryder glanced a smile at tyra and goes to stand next to her. Layla looked at ryder and smiles at him only to be returned with a growl her way, a smack to the back of his head made him go quiet. " i'm sorry about earlier,i dont trust people outside of my mate and we dont get strangers all the way out here." Layla shook her head,she understood where he was coming from and she had a feeling that adonis would've done the same thing though layla would've had her own weapons with her.

After a nice hot shower and a nice dinner made by tyra,it was agreed between ryder and tyra that layla could stay for as long as she liked. In Tyra's words' our home is your home' layla smiled at her and went upstairs the spare master bedroom,she went into her new room and plopped down on the california king sized bed and was about to close her eyes when she heard a howl rang through out the night and then a knock at the door of her room she inhaled the smells around her and sensed no threat behind the door only tyra,she walked up to the door and opened it to see her new friend dressed in a silk pullover shirt and shorts showing off her beautiful light brown and dark brown skin. What through layla off was the look of worry on her face,layla took it as a sign of privacy and stepped back to let her in and shut the door. Layla picked up many scents and emotions coming from the other young woman but the two that overwhelmed the others was fear and nervousness as they sat down on the bed with the two women facing eachother as Tyra started to fidget with her thumbs and fingers in her lap like a child in trouble Layla spoke first " What's wrong tyra?". Tyra stopped her fidget and looked at layla as she smiled and shook her head" I don't know what to tell him,i know it's early for me to be telling you this but i don't have many friends and since you just showed up at our door step out of nowhere while we problaby won't see you again i'm guna tell you anyway...." She closes her eyes and inhales" I'm pregnant and my mate doesn't know." Tyra smiles as a tear slowly rolls down her cheek" it's been two months since i went to see about it,it's his hell if he already knows then i don't know what i'm going to tell him." Layla leaned back and thought about it. On one hand,werewolves did have a strong sense of smell but there was something off about ryder that didn't sit well with layla. The man looked fairly young to be even close to looking tyra's age,then again if ryder did know that she is pregnant then that means only one thing as layla smiled and chuckled." He's waiting for you to tell him yourself that or mating heat can cloud over the sent of you carrying a child so if he doesn't know then you should tell him. If he doesn't like it then the way i see it he'll die for rejecting you. Period." The scent of worry went away along with the nervousness as suddenly layla was pulled into a hug by a wide grinning tyra as layla was shocked but slowly returned the hug,her bluntness was being forgiven and pushed aside by a young woman no older then her. Layla pulled away from tyra and smiled at her" your welcome,besides if he does then ill give you the gun to pull the trigger if you wanna shoot him." Tyra laughed as she shook her head" i was raised by my dad,guts and guns first for me." Layla nods as tyra gets up and is about to leave when a hard knock is heard at the door of the house. Immediately layla gets up and pulls tyra back slightly holding her arm in a slightly firm grip and puts her finger over her lips,she opens her senses as she caught two scents both wolves and hears ryder open the door" hey guys what can i do for you?" The first wolf she heard had a deep voice" good evening I am Beta Gavin Mathers,the one next to me is my brother and Gamma Raven Mathers. We're here to speak to a woman that we believe you're keeping in your house Mr.-" Ryder smiled as he looked at the other wolf" Fallway,Ryder Fallway. And to answer your question my wife and I dont keep guests here. If you feel the need to still search my home then i suggest you come back with a warrant from your alpha." Layla tenses as she recognizes the two scents they weren't pack wolves they were rogues. Almost as if sensing this,tyra pulled out of layla's strong grip with ease as if her grip were paper and walked over to the wall behind the door and pressed a button,the wall flipped over to reveal weapons. Guns with holsters,silver bullet casings with holy water arrows with quivers and crossbows. Layla watched as tyra grabbed the two guns and tossed them to her. Layla caught them and decided to marvel at them later.
Layla loaded the two twin black eagle pistols and put them the two holsters strapped to her hip,she turned to tyra who held two twin daggers and sheathed the daggers at the lower back sheathes. The two women nodded and sprung into action,the tension adrenaline and rush of bloodshed sang through laylas body as she readied her weapons to kill.

He aimed the gun and took the shot,the bullet going straight for the leader of the coup nailing her in the head as the baron sprung into action breaking his handcuffs with ease and grabbing one cog and snapping his neck. Adonis grabbed one clipper broke his arm that went for his face and then ducked low and sweeped him off of his feet as the other man landed on the floor behind him,he heard it before it happend as his baron grunted in pain as red blood fell to the floor but still he kept fighting with just his fists alone killing every cog and clipper within reach. Then adonis joined him fighting beside him,adonis snapped necks broke arms and legs killing any and all that tried to reach his baron the man he came to call father. Adonis took a deep breathe as only ten men remained,he readied himself as he readjustded his stance from defense to offense the flames of death in his eyes as the ten surrounded him and Max. The first man that moved met a hard first from adonis as the other nine men went for max,Fists grunts and groans were heard as adonis and max fought the last 10 men. Adonis breathed as the threat died down. The last man suprisingly left alive was smiling at them as adonis and max started piling the bodies,a young cog was smiling with bloody teeth." Burn in hell" he raised his hand up and pressed a button. An explosion sounded around adonis and blackness met him as pain roared through his body.

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