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The soft whisper of the wind felt lively against her cold skin,her long black hair up in a pony tail running in waves against her back as she took a sprinted start dashing through cold dark moonlit forest. The sounds of the forest opened and welcomed her senses the blood like hunger that roared through her body like a tsunami about to crash against the shore,as she ran her bare feet spilling leaves and her body sounding of silent death itself she felt euphoric pleasure running freely through the forest. Having left her coven she was known as a rogue in the northern half of florida so she went to the south and found her home in seville,their coven had kept tabs on her but the werewolf gave her trouble constantly sniffing their noses in her business. She crossed into neutral territory and found a small town a few meters ahead of her,she stopped their and rented a hotel for the night. She walked in through the automatic double doors and walked up to the counter,the smell of humans rang through her senses as she stood infront of the oak wood counter. A young man looking no younger then 20 or 22 walked up to the counter info of her in a green hotel uniform,he was cute and her hunger control was sleeping,she needed to feed. "Hello welcome to Quin Inn and Suites hotel my name is Darren what can I do for you? " She smiled at him putting on her glamour technique into effect" you should follow me to the back" he easily bent to her will with his eyes glazed over in a daze"i should follow you to the back" she breathed in the sounds around her and growled as she sensed the presence of wolves,they had been tracking her. She should've known that their alpha wasn't going to let her go through the neutral territory,no vampire was welcomed in a werewolf territory-wait these weren't pack wolves,they were rogues. She moved quickly releasing her hold on him growling for not being able to feed,she whipped around to find three men in black clothing growling at her. She felt the human shaking behind her,she sensed his fear and hissed in annoyance "stupid humans" the three wolves infront of her nodded silently and they walked outside,she quickly made a run for the forest but was blocked by the first wolf. She growled as her fangs snapped from her gums and readied her body for combat as the other two wolves behind her shifted into their wolves and made their move to attack her,before she could react she felt strong arms wrap around her the strength of the hold nearly crushing her with ease of not for her reflexes. She back elbowed the man holding her and grabbed the second wolf by the neck and slung him towards the third wolf,the first rogue still in human form growled and unholstered his weapon a black desert eagle now held in his hand. She had to move fast,she sprinted towards him grabbed his hand and crushed his fingers holding the gun he screamed out in pain and jumped back as the other two rogues charged her,this time she jumped over them grabbing and smashing their heads together as they set back on their hind legs and dropped to the ground knocked out. The first rogue growled slowly" you'll pay for that bitch" she cracked her neck and smirked" well your handless so I don't see how that's Guna work" she moved at top speed knocking him back and then pinning him against a tree so hard that his back broke through the bark of the tree,her fangs sharp,short little incisors but still deadly as her blood senses took over. She pulled his neck to the side and sunk her teeth breaking the skin,sucking feeding taking as the soul flowed into her body with the blood of the wolf into her senses. She licked her lips and threw the body away from her. Just because she was a vampire didn't mean she had to like feeding,she only fed if provoked or if she was nearly dead. She turned and walked further into the city as the sun touched the sky,the sun heating her skin caressing warming her as she walked into a store she got a few snacks and left.Her thoughts went back to the hotel incident so she couldn't go back their,she had to find another place to stay.

Her eyes scanning the city as cars passed her on the street until her eyes caught movement and then suddenly her breath caught in her throat,the air leaving her lungs and she fell limp to the ground. her senses were numbed and due to the sunlight her vampire strength was useless,she felt her body be slung into the back of a trunk and slammed shut she growled at herself for being so careless and letting her guard down she wasn't so careless to forget to keep her guard. After driving some miles she knew she was no longer in florida,she growled as she tried to pull free from her restraints. She smelled a storm coming,the trunk opened and was jerked out of the trunk and dragged into a house. She smelled blood,the bag was then ripped from her head. A chill erupted from in her body,her senses all left from in her body as her eyes landed on the one man that caused her to run. His voice rang in her head as his chilling voice spoke"welcome home my little sélay" her words caught in her throat as her eyes stared into his,the eyes of her master. The master that raised her to be a senseless killer,took her innocence from her by forcing into her the monster that he wanted the monster that he created. He owned her."Master..."

He stood in the center of the of the alphas living room,the alpha growling as he stood infront of him face to face man to man" I don't care about you and your team,your hunters and that's all that matters you hunt all of us and kill us just to take land for yourselves." Adonis was many things at this moment,annoyed was one of them. The moment he stepped onto the territory he was surrounded,four wolves plus the gamma circled him demanding answers to why he had came on their land and so he was takin to the alpha"you even have a weapon holstered on your hip and a sheathed dagger on your left shoulder" adonis sighed again pinching his nose in agitation" I told you alpha Kiel that I'm not here to hurt your pack I'm here to protect your pack,yes I'm a hunter but the ops I work for are different. We take down the hunters that want to dissolve your existence. If you dont believe me then fine I'll take my leave." The alpha growled" leave and dont come ba-" the bullet pierced the window and into alpha kiel's shoulder he fell to the ground in pain as adonis snapped into action grabbing his dagger and in swift movement cut down the surrounding wolves with his dagger he then sheaths his dagger as the alpha growls in anger still on the floor" you lied!?" Adonis looks at the alpha on the floor a cold dark and dangerous look replacing his earlier features" you are a target that needs to be eliminated,you sent your pack to kill just for sport you took the lives of men women and children. That night that you sent your pack I was there,I'm here to avenge the souls you took by greed and hunger. Now...die" he unholstered his weapon,a 52 calibur all sleek black desert eagle he aimed it at the still bleeding alpha and fired the shot killing the alpha." This is Killstrike to base,the target is KIA." Adonis turns and leaves the house walking into the sunlit forest and got onto his harley bike that he left in a bush made sure not to be seen and rode out onto the main road. Another pack had fallen.

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