Preview of Chapter Thirteen

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He stared at her in her eyes,down on his knees and arms around her waist. It was time for him to tell her the truth,who Adonis really is not just as a hunter or even a clipper mercenary for hire but the man that she met those 6 years ago and who the man now is after those 6 years have passed on. If after he was finished she could get up and leave him right then and there and he wouldnt chase after her,wouldnt stop her from walking away,he couldnt ask her to even if he wanted to beg that's just the kind of person adonis had become. His soul would reach out to a closed door,empty void and coldest mountain on the planet and he wouldn't let her be tortured by her own thoughts,a womens insecurities can sometimes be a mans worst fears and in this case,adonis had come to terms with laylas fears but had she considered her own fears?

She stood up,silence and no words coming from either of them. Her hands clenched and unclenched as she stared at the wooden floor beneath her feet,suddenly dark snake like rage sank into her body and before she could stop herself a curled hard fist slammed into a strong male jaw surely cracking the bone as he only staggered back in shock but the smell of pain also teased her senses. She closed her eyes and sighed as she moved to pick up her things,packed them in the duffle bag as she felt the tears meet her cheeks just as the rage had poured from her body in that punch to his face. She had decided she wouldn't come back,wouldn't return to him ever again no matter how much her soul screamed at her not to leave but she had already made her decision as she slung the bag over her shoulder and walked out of the door leaving adonis and her heart breaking in pieces as she left them both behind.

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