Chapter Twelve

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Headstrong, arrogant, inconceivable and he was getting on her nerves. That's to say if she had any left as a steadfast slowly passive-looking adonis stood in front of her with his arms crossed against a muscled defined chest, his passive look towards her shouldn't have been so sexy, so dark and so very tempting to push his limits more. Oh did she want to push him more, the way he pushed her in all her dreams and saved her from her screams at night.  Nights of pleasure and promises that a girl could only dream of, she knew what he did to her, her body deliciously ached as her pussy spilled juices out of her folds at the memories of how his dick penetrated her how hungry he made her crave to his dick somehow someway stay sucked into clenching depths of her bare pussy as she worked him to his own climax but there was one thing that still bothered her. Angry brownish-black eyes, clenched browned knuckles met her gaze as she stared at her tall leanly muscled male human as his gaze burned through her. She knew he was pissed at her, knew she was in trouble and yet she still wanted him to lose his control, the man that stood in front of her was the same man that had come to her in her dreams. He wanted answers and so did she. " why did you come after me? What does being with me gain you? I'm a monster and I cause destruction that no man or woman can come back from, my fangs pierce the skin of innocent people and I take their souls their lives into my body and flesh so if you're going to shoot m-" A gasp of breath, broad arms wrapped around her waist as she was brought into a warm chest and hot lips came over hers taking her lips her breath as she felt her temper simmer to nothing. Her body was heated, hot, and hummed with pleasure as she felt his hands close around her waist. She felt the stress, worry and anger fade away to nothing as she slowly melted into the heated kiss of her mate. The man she felt the need to hide herself from and he sensed it in her as they slowly moved from one side of the cell to the small creaking bed as adonis's hands moved stroked and felt on her body, she wanted to be angry at him, angry for making her leave, for letting her get away from him. He didn't chase after her but then again she wasn't one to being chased as she was the one who did most of the chasing. Layla's body hummed in sweet response as she felt the curve of the black band of the bra on her shoulder slowly slip from her shoulder as the sound of footsteps met her ears. Adonis sprang up and whipped around as he reached into his hip holster and snapped the standard all-black .45 semi-automatic sleek black pistol from his left hip the gun aimed precisely at the head of Ahmena's Beta who held no change in expression of any at the situation he was now in. Adonis stood silent with one arm low against Layla's waist with the gun still pointed at Ahmena's beta. His features were dark and any nightmare you could think of it looked like he beat every one of them, his facial features of a strong jaw,mountain-like shoulders, and the build of a man who had been in the military while walking the gates of death met her senses as she stared at him. Hard. " I didn't come here to get shot, the alpha would like you to join her in our dining hall, I wasn't told about what all she said is to bring you two with me." Layla felt the tense nature welling inside as she slowly placed her hand on top of his hand, her hand slowly moved up and down on his arm as he slowly holstered the gun back into his hip. She let out a breath as the cell door opened, as she and adonis stepped out she kept her hand enclosed with his as the feeling of warmth and safety wrapped around her as they passed through the lower part of the three bunked house, the top floor being Ahmena's office and main room while the second floor being the entry of the house. As they walked through the hallway and up the twirling concrete staircase, Layla tightened her hold on adonis's hand. She looked down at their joined hands out of pure curiosity as she saw that her dark skin complexion mixed just right with his brown skin, she liked his skin color. He was beyond anything she had ever seen and she really enjoyed having him with her, he was beautiful to her. They walked up onto the second floor and down a carpeted hallway and to a set of brown tiled floors, the beta along with two guards stopped at the tiled floor and took off his patrol boots as did the two guards probing Layla and Adonis to take off their shoes as well. They stepped onto the tile floor and walked into a massive dining hall with a table enough to seat 20 to 30 people, clearly, Ahmena liked having a lot of space. As if reading her mind,Ahmena grinned in amusement" I do things big" Layla snickered at the inside sexual innuendo as adonis slightly chuckled.

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