Chapter Four

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The pleasure quaked through his body,the feeling of her soft lips against his sent fire and lightning running through his blood and straight to his iron rodded dick painfully restricted in his jeans,he wanted her bare,naked and screaming as the pleasure burned both of them as he took her over and over making them burn more and more till nature made them bound to eachother,they pulled away from eachother he heard small groan of protest fall from his lips as a small moan from her passed through her soul. His arms strong and heart beating racing toward the surge of wanting to feel her lips again,he held back the urge and looked down at her into her eyes into her heart and soul,all he saw was woman,sexy frustrated and ready to be taken he slid his hand down to her dress and roughly cupped his hand over her pussy and rubbed her clit teasing petting and stroking her as she arched,ached and moaned,her full dark chocolate breasts pressing against his strong muscled chest. Not wanting to give her secret away she smashed her lips against and slowly but quickly turned him around and pushed him into the couch that now was in her office and straddled him,early night had come over the city about an hour ago now and her boss had left early saying he had something to attend to,along with being stacked with files and paperwork layla needed adonis to make her forget make her feel,want and ache and she ached in desperate need to touch and taste him.

The electric fire built,her pussy slick and wet as she straddled his strong thigh and began to move her hips back and forth,the friction on her clit coupled with the feeling of his lips against hers had her soul running lightning blazing through her body as he held her in his arms letting her ride herself to orgasm,she wanted his thigh,his tongue face and fingers. She wanted him,she looked down at him the look in his eyes only made her pussy gush more,the movement of her hips moving faster and faster with the burning pleasure that was building and the clenching of her pussy. It was starting to feel too good. "Oh god,Oh god adonis it feels so good too good" he ripped open her red blouse shirt with a growl that sent her body into spasming ripples of pleasure that arched her back against him as she humped rode his thigh like she despartely wanted to have his dick in her. Layla was officially horny. Adonis pulled down the front of her lace black bra his eyes dark black with lust and pleasure as he watched her full breasts move and bounce with each thrust of her hips against his thigh,the steel dick still trapped in his jeans throbbed and hardened painfully as his mouth watered to taste her pointed dark chocolate peaks that were her nipples,they were both pierced. The hardened dark points begging him for attention" tell me layla,tell me you want me to suck them,tell me to bite and suck your nipples"Layla moaned,his words only driving her,pushing her. she moaned his name from her mouth,he held her hips with strong handed grips the pleasure of his strong thigh and his words making her go crazy,burning. "Oh adonis,suck my nipples,bite my nipples make it painful please please suck and bite them" Her begging fueled adonis with dark desire as he sucked her nipples harder,taking the tight pierced peaks between his teeth and bite. Hard.

Layla screamed his name out loud in bliss as her head fell back as she braced her hands against his head pulling him to her breasts tightly by the nape of his hair on the back of his neck. She wanted to cum,she wanted to bite and taste him,not just his blood,his soul and his body she wanted to taste all of him. "Please,oh god please adonis if i don't taste you I'll die,i'll burn and I swear to god I will shoot you if you let me die and burn" he nipped at her nipples,moved his tongue over the pierced points and then rubbed the jagged edge of his teeth against the pointed peaks he growled and looked up at her with her nipple still in his mouth and licked,the feeling of his tongue against her nipples as she humped his leg made her insane.

Layla didn't like being insane,burning,hot with desire lust and hungering need. Adonis felt his dick ready to burst from his jeans,the sweet taste of her nipples and made him hunger to taste her more" you taste so sweet layla,like fruits and fresh rain" layla moaned out a giggle as she locked her eyes with his" i eat a lot of fruit" he growled,he couldn't stand it any longer he wanted to be in her. Deep,hot hard and rough. The rumble from his growl vibrated through her body sensitised her soaking pussy clad red lace panties so much that her pussy was now attached to her panties as she rode him,layla begged and pleaded. Her gasp of air shook her body as a rough hand came down against her ass,her cheeks clenched and bunched in need. Oh she loved it.

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