Chapter Six

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Standing next to the man that he called baron,arms crossed studying watching and calculating the other four men in the agreed meeting room for the gathering. He sensed her,eyes face and hair the shape of her body in his mind her full soft lace lips her full breasts and hips. Layla had invaded his mind no matter what he was doing,she damn near close to his soul and no woman had ever come as close to him as she did. Sensual sexy and goddess beauty covered  her in natural essence,she was completely natural to his senses and heaven be damned that she make her way to his soul and into his heart. His baron was a fairly mid 50s man but his stature stood out well past his age,Mason Windgates Hellsing fourth coming head and leader of the Hunter organization that his grandmother founded as the rumors and stories went out. Having Apache native and distinct long history of Spartan Greek a normal man couldn't tell his age effected him at all with the constant training that he affiliated himself with,sparring running and mma routines kept him in parr with the league of vampire and werewolves that were now infront of them. Adonis wasn't surprised at all,his baron leader was no slouch when it came to training and keeping his organization in line his ban of 100 plus men and women ready to fight kill survive and die for with and alongside their leader. Loyalty to their alpha but Mason was no alpha to adonis,he made sure of it by making that point very clear. He only answered to mason if needed,by chance it was very rare that he saw out his counsel and the two men had a very calm and easy understanding of eachother no man was above the other,no title name or rank defend the abilities of the other man. The four men that stood infront of them would be intimidating of a normal man given their backgrounds,the first being Syphodias Orton much like Adonis he was just a darker tone of skin pale and the vampire coven leader of the southern vampires. Next to him stood a lycan only by the name of Fang rumored to have a mate and child back in the west of which his lycan clan stretched out to. Third and stopped an army of rogues from invading his territory was His bestfriend Anthony,which didn't surprise him at all being deemed the 2nd strongest werewolf on the planet the first being Fang who was rumored to have killed off an entire rogue himself. Last but not least is the vampire that came to be called Alucard Lucien Fairbrookes his last name being anything except to the funny assumption that he is nice,cold hard and without remorse his reign to the east almost made Mason roar in rage with how he treats the women their. That was one thing mason did not at any point of measure tolerate and took as an insult to all the still chivalrous men that walked the planet:beating and raping of women no matter what the case maybe he despised alucard with so much hate and rage that no shadow carrying its longest cover could keep him from killing alucard. Word was out that he got a new vampire added to his clan of fangs,her name no one knew but adonis did and his hands fisted with agony and rage at the sheer madness of the imagination. " Hellsing to the North,Fang to the South,Graves to the West and Fairbrookes to the East. " Alucard was speaking,his voice left a stinging itching pain of agony inside adonis and he wanted it gone. " The fact that we are all conveyed here means that we have a common interest,normally I would be at home eating away on some poor girl or making my new pet go and get me something to eat ." His pet!? Layla wasn't a fuckin pet!? his layla belonged only to him,his end of fuckin discussion!? " As tonight we are here to bring in a matter that concerns all of us,we have rogues vampire and werewolf with some lycans starting to stir and play in our territories,I don't know about the rest of you but I don't find puppies playing in my yard cute. " Mason was next to speak" This is agreed with all of us,what are we doing to stop it? My army is sick of leashing your blood monkeys off of our human population and im tired of sending my hunters on suicides just to eat breakfast in the morning." Fang was silent,anthony was in thought. Mason continued" none of you are taking into account that my hunters are humans,fighting surviving and dieing when the case arises however their still humans. Vampires werewolves and lycans rogue or not are in the way of our rescue ops to keep our population from crashing. If you don't find a solution then I damn sure will by my hand if need be." Graves looked at mason" if you really think its that easy then why don't you come into my territory and see how we keep burning my wolves because you get in our way? If you think for one second that we're not doing anything then by all means give us a visit. War will not solve anything mason,I thought you were well aware of that after losing-" Mason pulled out his blade aimed at graves neck,the 9 foot long mason steel holy water and silver infused blade came to meet its next victim decisively. Graves didn't so much as flinch,adonis only watched this was between them. "I refuse to put any more of my hunters on the hell line while you three figure out what your going to do,if you so much as even whisper her name your head will be my blades taste." Fang walked up next to graves and put his hand on his shoulder looking between the two men" warriors as we are this no time for conflict between ourselves,we are leaders so we lead and others follow." The stare between anthony and mason could be seen like a storming hurricane slowly rising in wind power and boiling over in destruction. Neither of them backing away,Sensing and locking onto the other they slowly backed retracted with Mason putting his blade back in its sheath. Adonis was only here to serve as protection for mason but everyone on either side knew that it was inept because mason could damn well handle his own fights,adonis was bored. He wanted out of this meeting and buried into layla again. Fang looked at alucard who only smiled in glee,all the men in the room could sense it the tension rising and unsettling in their blood. "So now that its out of the way we should have a joint op to wipe out these rogues on all ends,combine our resources and destroy them all. Agreed?" Alucard's eyes settled on the three men in interested study,the nature of his allies churned a strange feeling inside of him. They all agreed" Mason and his best with my best warriors,fang and graves of course with your armies." They all nodded and agreed, fang and graves left after adonis and he shared a silent look at eachother across the room. They had a lot to discuss,anthony already knew that adonis was the lone wolf hunter. Knew that mason was his leader but not his alpha,adonis answered to almost no one.

The only three men left in the room were alucard,mason and adonis both men glared at alucard" we both know your not in this for the lasting moments of glory and fame,so what did fate promise you this time alucard? Ever immortality doesn't suite you anymore." Mason was livid,raged and angry at the 200 year old vampire.he had cheated mason of a promised debt that was never repayed and mason never forgave him for that crossing." Mason,mason please you should know by now that fate doesn't play her hand in matters of nature. She just deals the cards and we are her deck." Adonis growled,hand on his weapon poised ready itching and pacing to be let free." You know damned well that nature doesn't tempt fate to deal any cards,if she did you'd be the first kill she made." Alucard smiled at adonis,taking in his challenge" oh really? And what are you boy her executioner?" mason made no move to stop adonis as he drew his gun so swift and quick that the smile on alucards face only widened,alive happy and thrilled at the hands of battle ready to unfold until a soft voice met their ears. He sensed her,smelled her as she stood with her crossbow weapon in hand ready to defend her master." Drop it  or your leader isnt making it home." Adonis was seething,rage boiled in blood. In the eyes of the man that turned layla into the secret assassin that she had become she was covert secret and nothing about her was false but as she held her weapon at the man named lone wolf she felt a strange feeling of longing for the man she slept with the night before and felt a sense of knowing that the lone wolf was her adonis,she sensed him and felt him in her soul. Adonis couldn't believe his layla was defending the man that took her life away from her,he hadn't let down his gun" you dare to defend after everything he's done? I'd be doing the rogues a favor by killing him Layla." There,in the sound of his voice she felt it. The sound that made her pussy whine in need,her nipples harden in want of his lips and her breath leave her body as he climbed the ladder of her pleasure. Her adonis was here.

Adonis couldn't point his gun at her,it would hurt her and destroy him. He sheathed his weapon in the holster on his hip,he cursed at himself for following his feelings first instead of his instincts. He didn't think she'd be here of all places,but then again rumors were that alucard always kept his best warriors close just in case of threats but now it all made sense. Mason turned around to leave and stopped as he looked over at layla,his eyes wandering until he locked eyes with her. A memorial look in his eyes as if she reminded him of someone but she couldn't debate on it as he looked away and then moved out of the room with a silent and angry adonis behind him with eyes locked on her directly. Oh he was pissed and when he got the chance and he would make it so,he'd remind her why she shouldn't have lied to him. Make her remember who she belonged to. But that could come later,for now he was angry that she had lied to him about who she was,that was a very big mistake. He wanted to hold her,turn his back on the slow brewing war and just go away with her,safe and far away from the world that seemed to surround them. He cursed under his breath as stalked behind his baron,sliding into the passenger side of all black SUV and making linking his team he made the protocol clearances and checking his team reports for anything out of the ordinary. After an hour of riding they arrived at their base of operation in the upper southside. He got out of the truck and walked toward his room clearing every access door as quickly as possible,he made it to his room without a word and went into high strung rage as he bellowed like a beast in a cage and balled his fist and slung his fist into the wall and breathed in hard steady breathes. He would have her,one way or another he would get his hands around layla and god help him if they weren't destroyed before he got to her.

She was breathless as she quietly followed her master,her mind still processing still trying to find an answer as to how her mate had came to become a hunter whose soul purpose was to hunt supernaturals and destroy them,her rippled sizzled with pleasure as she thought of eyes on her,taking her soul and damn near her heart. She wouldn't let it get to that there was always a price to pay for immortality she wouldn't let her mate be another to fall to the heavy arousal that came with her mate but as she reached her quiet room she had a feeling deep inside her soul that it was already too late.

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