Chapter Eleven

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Tyra and Ryder stood firm and strong side by side as neither of them wavered infront of the three wolves,pack or not no one was crossing into their territory. Ryder was pissed" Look you can either come back with a warrant or one of you is going back to your alpha with a broken leg." The one in the middle,strong faced most playful smiled at ryder and chuckled" don't try and hide her,we know shes here we can smell her dead scent from right here now bring her out." Layla was angry as she watched one of the mutts reach to grab for tyra as ryder stood in the way. Layla not caring what the situation was as she walked from her room up to the three wolves all three of them towering over her but her glare at them had two of them ready to run. " You either leave or just question me here at this house but your not welcome here,if you three dogs think your so high and mighty because of your rank I'll drag your tails by your legs and tie them by your balls." The one in the middle chuckled as he looked challenging at Layla. Big mistake. Ryder and tyra slowly stood back,sensing the tension in the air the close spill of blood on the full moon night. Laylas eyes changed a dark blood like red as she stood full height toward the werewolf,her sharp dagger like fangs  snapped from her gums as she watched and waited for the first strike by the over confident male as he stepped back outside and nodded as layla growled at the other two wolves who stood motionless before meeting her eyes and then moved back. Layla was furious as she looked into three judging eyes and all three of them were pissing her off "come back when your alpha sends a warrant and if you have the decency dont let me catch anymore of your scouts either your alpha is more than capable to herself then to send her lap dogs."

The three wolves looked to eachother then backed off turning and shifting then running off into the forest,Laylas senses pulsed as she turned around to find tyra and ryder both calmed and pulled together strongly as she smiled at them. Tyra giggled as ryder chuckled,they walked back inside the house not before a silent whistle went past and struck ryder in the neck as tyra gasped and went to her knees after ryder to catch his fall. Layla went down after her as another whistle struck tyra making her fall soon after. Layla whipped around her body tense as she dodged the first shot that came her way,she saw the man before he could blink she grabbed him by the chest reached in and struck his chest. The heart beat she felt made her all the more enraged as she grabbed the heart and pulled it straight out. The man dead before her as she sensed four other men around her,she sprung into deadly action as she picked her prey part by part. She walked up slowly to one man so scared that he looked ready to take his life,her body came alive as she made quick work of the man infront her before jump flipping over the dead man as she broke his neck and tossed the dead body into the man 100 feet from her,another man came up with a sneak attack and daggers as he swung left and right. She felt the first prick,a small flesh wound as she bit her lip so hard that it bleed into her mouth and used the pain to increase her strength as she took the man by the arm along with his daggers and snapped his fingers in her hands crushing his hands as he screamed in agony,she whipped a roundhouse kick to his head so strong that the impact killed him as he hit the cold floor. She wrenched the dagger from her shoulder and threw it away as it nailed a tree,suddenly a sting met her knee as her body wracked with pain surging in her leg and flames roaring through her body. Her vision darkened as she saw a foot meet her face. She blacked out as blood came out of her mouth and she met the blackness as it welcomed her into its arms. She fought and scratched at the darkness and feel into the nightmares and girls screams.

The burning pain raged through his body,he could feel the flesh singing with angonized laughter. Smoke and fire all around him as the house that he called home layed to ruin by the clan that raised him to be the cold blooded,silent and dangerous man that he was now known as. He fought to pull and take breath into his lungs,the burning now subsided and he could feel his sight slightly hazed but struggling to return so his vision could find the sound,a cry of help from a dying man. On hands and knees bloody and batered near death he grunted as he crawled on gravel ground,ground that he had took oath on and ground that Adonis knew he would have to leave and survive on his own. A vixens kiss,her poisonous touch and driven insanity was all that moved him now a man no longer bound by code any other then that of his own. To what end did it all justify? Adonis didn't want a legacy. Legacys were for men who had no journey no sense of honor and only stood on their pride of which they had accomplished. Adonis was no such man,he fought by his brothers and sisters his clansmen his family all to be stabbed in the back and left to die. However adonis had found another life in layla as he crawled over to a bloody and deathly  max as he looked up the middle aged ex armed special forces man. The man that took him in and gave him tools that no other man would. Cold,ruthless and unwavering in loyalty and honor to the man he took oath to stand beside no matter where the path led.

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