Chapter Nine

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Her body ringed in pleasure as she walked to her car,opened the door got in and drove her way home for the night. Earlier before she was headed to work Alucard told her to watch herself for rogue vampires roaming around and turning humans into ghouls,some even making small factions with werewolves just to cause more havock and destruction. She pulled up into her driveway and made her way up the stairs to her apartment and sees that her door was slightly ajar,the handle of the door torn off the hinges. Her eyes laced in danger as her body tensed ready for what was inside she slowly bent low on her knees slowly crawled toward her open door and peeked inside through the small crack,she saw three figures tall dressed in everyday normal clothes all three in black their faces she didn't recognize. "I swear if we don't find her you both will get staked in your heads" he looked to the one on his left and hissed "you idiot i told to make sure she was alone,yet i had to go and find out that she's with a hunter and not just any hunter,shes with adonis the hunter" layla was stunned in shock. How do they know adonis? And what they doing in my house? She watched more closely. "Don't even get me started on if we come back empty handed,all three of us will get a lecture of death from mother and father if they don't kill us first." Layla slowly rose herself against the wall until a fourth voice caught her attention" she's already here" the stench of wet dawg caught her nose and she turned and ran down the stairs and made a B-line for the back of the apartment complex.

As she ran she took a quick glance at sky,the sun was setting but nowhere near it being nightfall. The sun just touched the fall of the mountain peak,she ran further into the woods,her lungs burned and ached her legs felt like jello and with the fourth person being a wolf it wouldn't take them long to find her. She ran up a big tree trunk and hunched over on a sturdy branch. She looked down to the werewolf not too far behind,the other three being vampires as she could tell were slowly running behind the wolf. She didn't have many options and the only option was suicide trying to take on four against one wouldn't do her any favors,she had a whole before night fall. She looked down at the four men one of which was currently in wolf form trying to sniff her out,layla jumped down from the branch and landed on the back of the wolf and pulled at his fur so that he yelped and growled trying to buck her off of his back,she didn't let go as the three men turned to see the action at almost the sametime quickly pulling out guns and aiming them at her,along with the wolf still trying to buck her off. As she was flailing around on top of the wolf,the first shot rang out and she ducked the percisioned headshot and slammed her fist into the head of the wolf making him growl and then ram into a tree,layla jumped off the wolf as the shots kept being released and hid behind the tree as the wolf shook himself off and growled at her as he quickly bound around the tree towards her as she quickly ran towards one of the men with the gun firing and slid under him and jumped up to get behind him and use him as a shield when a giant force knocked her down and dug its claws into her thigh into skin and tissue,she hissed and started punching and kicking anything that moved until she felt her body go numb. Layla tried to call for help but she knew it was no use,she tried to get up but the wound in her thigh was too deep and gushing blood. She strongly pushed herself up from the ground until the same giant force pinned her down and one of the men came up to her and put a cloth over her mouth,chocking her with the morphine inside the cloth and soon she passed out and was taken by the blackness of unconsciousness.

She awoke with a major headache and groaned as she tried to survey as to where she was,her head banging against the tire covering of the spinning tire she knew that she was in the trunk of a car. She tried moving her hands but her wrists were behind her in handcuffs,along with her legs. Whatever the handcuffs were made out of rendered her vampire strength useless so she settled for thinking of how to get out of trunk of the car,she thought hard when something hit her leg. She feel nausea rising up in her stomach as the driver made wide turns around curbs that were too narrow for the four wheeled vehicle to make. She looked down to find a small pin needle bumping against her leg and manuvered her body to try and reach it,just as she reached down and slipped it in between her fingers the car jerked to a stop. The small pin needle falling further from her reach,she sighed as she settled for just forgetting about her escape when the trunk of the car opened up and she was pulled out of the car and onto cold pavement,she didnt feel the coldness of the air as she fell to her knees and coughed as she swallowed the bile in her throat. One of the men bent down and yanked her up by her arm and up onto his shoulder,her mouth was muffled by the black scarf tied around her mouth. She was taken into a very elegant house,fancy with patrols going about. A three story red and black house,the uniforms of the patrols to match as she was then brought inside,carpet flooring with a wooden floor interior past the door and further out into the rest of the house.

She was brought up to two black wooden doors. The one who turned into a wolf stepped up and knocked,a deep voice said come in and the two doors opened to reveal a man in his early 40s lines of gray lining his long hair wrapped in a pony tail,his green eyes blazing at her as if she was his target. The three men stepped forward and the one who had her on his shoulder set her down on her knees and stepped back.

The man looked at the three of them and smiled and nodded,then with the snap of his finger the man that was a wolf was shot in the head and dropped dead to the floor motionless. The man then looked at her"im sorry about that,please forgive me i don't really like dirty things in my house." Layla didn't understand what he meant until she looked at the now dead wolf and saw a tracer laced in his head where he had been shot." My name is Maxwell,Pilgrim Maxwell and you are because you are a draculina. Welcome to Sanctuary Here you are slave to the urge that you fight so hard to control. If you survive youll be sold. You do as your told and not a mintue to wasted or you will die." He nodded to three men and one of them came up to her and unlocked her hands and legs. She wasted little time as she brought her knee up to the man that let her go and brought her elbow back into the other man behind her and punched the last man in the face before dropping down and swinging her leg out from under him making him fall to the ground. She straddled him ready to end his life,her fangs snapped out and her strength posed and ready,her reflexes at their fullest and the snap of a finger caught her attention. She ducked the first knife thrown at her nailing her target in the chest.she looked up to see a smiling pilgrim looking back at her and small claps of his hands"very good very good you will fit in very nicely here" layla growled" im not staying here pilgrim" he laughed" of course not" he snapped his fingers and four men appeared infront of her" take her away" she was then handcuffed and walked out of pilgrims office.

Adonis awoke slowly out of his sleep,yawned and stretched out his limbs when a pang in his chest made him quickly get dressed. He was out the door and got on his horse,a very rare black stallion named demon its full raven black mane plush and void of any curls or dirt. He galloped across the wide territory that belonged to his baron and jumped off the horse,he walked up the small steps and nodded as he passed other warriors he walked into the barons house and toward the barons office he knocked once and at the barons come in he opened the door and walked in to find a knife held at his barons throat and a colt standing behind him looking at adonis in the eyes" good morning adonis" suddenly adonis was surrounded by other clippers with guns and arrows. A coupe has been started.

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