Chapter Thirteen

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Her mind swirled with all kinds of different emotions that were difficult to process, as Adonis was still on his knees bent down in front of her as she locked eyes with him, the deep ocean of dark brown seem to captivate her as she could feel herself still wanting to hold herself back.  Layla felt the warmth of her skin heat as she suddenly grabbed adonis roughly by his shoulders and crushed her lips against his as the fire within her burned even brighter, her emotions spilling forth into the kiss as she felt a man's hands, her Adonis's hands felt and caressed her body, Layla in kind ran her hands along the length of his arms and shoulders, the passion increasing as the fire within her kept building higher and higher. Within her soul she knew that he was hers and belonged to her, as Adonis silently looked back at her, the pulse of pleasure and lust coursed through her veins as she reached out and wrapped her hand around the back of neck, the little hairs she felt there came alive with anticipation, as she then decided in that moment the entire world could burn and come to an end as she only wanted this moment to last her an eternity even if Adonis couldn't live for the rest of his life, a mere human that captivated her senses and became so much more to her as she jerked him towards her taking his lips in a rapture of a kiss that time held still, she felt his hands move along her skin, the coolness of her skin becoming warm with his touch as she moaned and shoved her tongue into his mouth, her nails, small little weapons of pleasure slowly easing down his neck, shoulders and back. A movement that elicited a moan from him as she moaned again and slowly pulled away, she could feel the itch of her fangs growing as she slowly pulled back fully, her skin heated as Adonis slowly moved his eyes taking in every inch and curve while he stayed his hands at her waist as if waiting...patient... quiet...Layla knew in that moment what she wanted as she slowly pushed him down onto the floor with her hands gripping his in a soft yet loving and firm grip at his wrists. She licked her lips as she watched his eyes dance, seeing the black pools of his eyes expressing a look of excitement as she leaned down toward him and mounted his lap, slowly, oh so slowly and teasing that her body buzzed and hummed with the pleasure of it as she leaned down towards his face and slowly pinning him down, she leaned down toward his neck and kissed the spot where his neck and shoulder met and kissed again and again, small little kisses, teasing seductive kisses as she felt the grip on her waist tighten, harden as Adonis started to close his eyes in pleasure" no, i want you to watch this, watch me make you burn with the pleasure that we both crave "as she said this she felt the creature of night within her come alive as she stuck out her tongue, short and soft as a cat's fur slowly lap at the meeting of Adonis's neck and shoulder, the heat of her mouth coupled with the wetness of her tongue was a dangerous combination that Adonis wasn't prepared for and just when he thought she would stop the ravenous teasing pleasure of her torture as he watched her, Layla then shifted her body to where she could be completely on top of him as she then licked with the fullness of her tongue and moaned as the taste of his skin met the small little buds of her tongue, a taste that made her moan as a growl slipped out of her throat" Ancients and Yahshua, you taste so good" the burning of her appetite for him only went higher as she felt his hands slowly move up and down along the line of her waist, the heat of his hands on her skin beginning to get hotter and hotter. 

Adonis moaned again, this time deeper as Layla still like a cat, moved her tongue in pleasurable alterations between small little flicks of her tongue and long laps of claiming as she fully extended her tongue and pressed it fully against his skin and licked in a full stroke from the base of his shoulder and up the side of his neck. "Fuck, Layla" pure pleasure exploded from within her as she slowly started to roll her hips in delicious need, his body jerked underneath her violently as she moaned and then purred against his neck, the juices of her pussy built to a tornado of pleasure as she moved her hands down from his hands and wrists, feeling the strength of his muscles as she felt down his arms, slowly tickling his arms with the small little weapons that were her nails. Layla slowly moved her face away from his neck and looked down at him underneath her, the sight being more pleasurable than her mind could fathom. "do it damn you" breathing coming in rapid paces as Adonis knew what would happen next, he knew the intimacy would come next, the claiming that within his soul was crying out for as Layla's gentle yet tortures dominating nature was slowly breaking his own chains of control and yet here Adonis was, underneath her completely opening himself to her, an experience that only she had been able to bring out of him, something he didn't know could ever exist in the realms of pleasure and completely unfathomable within the deep recedes of his mind. She licked and kissed again and again as the burning from within Adonis started to build and overflow, his dick getting harder and pulsing as he felt the heaviness of creamy precum build all the way through the shaft as Layla then slowly yet firmly dipped her hand into his pants, feeling the outer ridge of his boxers, the fabric as a soft as womans touch against his skin as she teased him, moving her hand in soft yet firm strokes, as the words left her lips, her voice serious and full of sweet pleasure, the promise of release" my Adonis" Layla then reached into his boxers and felt the hard steeliness of his dick, the combination of her cold skin and the hot warmth of his dick made Adonis jolt in abandon as Layla became more enraptured by the lust and fires of pleasure that consumed her, she peeled the top of his boxers, down, down, down...The hard dark pole came alive for the woman that was giving him pleasure, though covered by foreskin, the heat that emanated from it made Layla's pussy pulse in desire as her clit spasmed by the mere sight of Adonis's dick, thick, hard, pulsing and completely full in it's glory as Layla hissed in desire, she was a cat that wanted her treat, a woman that wanted her lover to know pleasure beyond anything her lover would ever be able to comprehend. Layla was done waiting, she wanted to claim her lover and she would claim him now.

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