Chapter Eight

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He should've been arrested with all of rage speeding he had done as he parked his car at a safe distance and walked into the young alphas building of buisness,the woman from before on his first visit stood in his way. Adonis was normally mentally and physically patient but when it came Layla his patience wore on a thin thread. "Hi adonis,how have you been?" He looked down at her making sure that she could see,feel and know that he had no feelings for her whatsoever but she couldn't take the hint" i can make your day alot better if you just leave that big phat dread cow alone and come home with me" she slowly reached up and brushed her hand along his arm.the cold arctic rage in his eyes a black void of hate and anger filled his voice"if you have anything to do with this i will make sure that what anthony does to you will compare little to what im guna do to you and you had better run because if i catch you,even so much as a wiff of your disgusting perfume ill take pleasure in letting my woman have you to herself." His woman,he had said it once before and he'll be damned if he didnt mean every word. The woman was stunned but growled" you will be mine adonis you wont be able to walk away from me"adonis rolled his eyes and went around the obssessed female and quickly to anthonys office. He damn near busted through the wooden door as he walked inside and saw anthony sitting in his chair with layla sitting across from him. His entrance made them both turn and face him whatever conversation they were having he had interrupted. Adonis slowly closed the door behind him and stood against the wall leaning with his arms crossed,his senses quiet and mind calm. Anthony looked back to layla and smiles"told you he'd come" he looked up to adonis from his seat,his eyes knowing,calculating. The code message wasn't a false lie,a joke or a game. Adonis had arrived and him being here means that anthonys pack had been compromised. "As you both already know,we've been assigned into a buddy system of sorts. They paired you two together because you are both separately are the best that both sides have to offer,a clipper and a vampire. My pack has been compromised and as to who the mole is i don't yet know so i brought you both here to ask that you move into my territory. Full permissions granted for anything you may need." Adonis nods as layla replies with a "yes" anthony could sense and feel the tension between them,they needed to sort it out and he would let them. Adonis leaned off the wall to turn and walk out until anthony got up from his desk and called his name,the tension was boiling now,adonis's senses were in high alert. Ready for anything even the woman dressed in a pair of black slacks that hugged her thick hips,her button down white shirt blouse with a black single button jacket and deep dark red heels. Adonis hissed in rage and betrayal Anthony had his reasons he knew outside of it being his good friend and his best employee but for adonis,anthony knew what layla was,knew that she was a beautiful creature of the night. Adonis slowly turned around to face the young 22 year old alpha,he and anthony being the same age they would be an even match. Adonis's rage eyes dark brown eyes met the calm eyes of his good friend" its clear to me that you two need to hash this out and ill be damned that you two fight now then be strangers later." he looked to a shock faced layla and smiled warmingly at her" i know what you are,and no i didn't do a background check on you. I didn't see the reason with the person you are,that aside i know he's your mate. You both need to talk." Adonis seethed in rage as his fists clenched so tight that the brown knuckles of his hands turned white,he didn't want to,adonis had nothing to say to her. They had lied to eachother,that was that and he wanted nothing to do with her,what she did to him in her presence should've had him shot and killed. But as much as he was mad and pissed at her a part of him understood the reason why,she was scared of his reaction and what he would think of her. He frowned in his mind at the thought of him rejecting her and why? Simply because she thought he thought that she was monster when on the contrary he thought of her as his most beautiful treasure,a vampire goddess that he would die for. Adonis was in love with her but his mind wouldn't let him utter the words,speak the words that his head screamed out so loud that he should say to her. Adonis could never reject her,not his layla the vampire or layla the woman,in his eyes they were one and the same. His Layla. Adonis sighed as anthony chuckled and left the office with a seething layla and a deep in thought adonis only in the room.

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