Finding Love- Chapter One

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Okay here's chapter one! Thanks again for reading!

Chapter One


Lena's POV


"Your highness... Today is the day of the high ball." 

"Yes I know that very well."

"Well, should you be getting ready?"

I glared at her.

"Well, who said I was going to go? I refuse to attend that ball."

Lady Mary gasped at me – she was one of those ladies-in-waiting.

I just sigh and continued to read the book in my hands. I hated these stupid balls. The reason was because I had to find... a husband. Yes a husband; the thought of the word husband, made me a shiver.

I had five more months to find a so called husband.

As of right now, I had tried to avoid it as much as possible. My father also said that if I didn't try, he would find one for me – that would be worse for me. So, I acted like I tried.

"You must go your highness... It's the high ball for crying out loud. And you must find a husband!" Mary emitted.

I huffed and continued to ignore her.

She continued to speak but I shut her out. Then she did something uncalled for and walked out of the room. Actually I was glad – she was getting on my last nerves.

I had an hour of complete silence and peace! I actually was alone! Then, out of nowhere… Mary stormed into my room with my father trailing behind her. He looked quite unhappy.

"Lena," he said showing anger in his voice.

"Yes papa?" I said innocently.

"I command you to attend the high ball!"

What? Attend the high ball? I refused to do that. I was the princess – I did not have to do anything that I did not wish to do.

"What do you mean father?" I asked, pulling my innocent act again.

"You know what I mean Lena! Stop moping around and attend the high ball! You need to find a husband or I will force one on you!"

I was shocked. This was a little harsh. I wanted to say 'no! I will not go!', but instead...

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