Finding Love- Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter 14~

"Lena." someone whispered.

"Go away." I mumbled.

"Lena." they spoke louder this time. I shifted my body away from their voice and mumbled,

"Leave me be."

"Lena... Wake up." they said, well more like commanded.

"No," I said yawning. "Im still tired." then I instantly became cold. I sat straight up to meet Catalina's eyes. She had tugged the blankets away from me.

"Oh... I'm sorry Catalina."

"It's fine your highness. I just wanted to Inform you that we have finished your wedding preparations for next week." she said happily. "I assure you, everything came out marvelous!"

Next week?!

"Wait what is next week?"

"How could you possibly forget?!" she gasped. "Your Wedding of course!" I froze.

My- My wedding...



... WEEK?!

Then everything became black.


"Shh, do not wake her." said a calm voice.

"But- what if I killed her?!" screeched another. "I didn't mean to!"

"She is not dead!"

I wanted to yell at then to shut up- my head was starting to hurt. I wanted to open my eyes- but they resisted.

A few moments later... There was a voice I well recognized,

"Lena darling...?"

It was my father.

I slowly opened my eyes and examined the room- to which was filled full with people.

"Uh... Hello...?" I said quietly. All their eyes diverted to me.

"Lena!" squealed Anne. "Oh honey your awake!"

"Yeah... What happened?"

"Im so sorry Lena! I told you about your wedding and-" spoke Catalina but I interrupted her.

"So my wedding is really next week?" I said quietly. Everyone nodded and I closed my eyes.

This isn't happening...

This isn't happening...

Oh god... This is seriously happening.

"What have I been doing for the last month?!" I screamed. This must of taken everyone by surprise because no one spoke.

"Well... Nothing really." said Jane. "All you've done is stay in here."

Curse Anne and all the Ladies!

"I cannot believe I let you all waste my life away!" I screamed once more. "I had TWO months! TWO! And how did I spend it?! Cooped up in here!"

"Calm down Lena." said my father softly.

"I will not! I will not! I cannot I've wasted two months... Just to get married next week..." I lowered my voice, "... Oh god, I-I am not ready..." I was nearly sobbing now. "... I cannot believe-" I was full on crying now.

The tears that streamed down my face seemed endless and forever going,

It was like I couldn't stop...

Anne came to comfort me, I sobbed onto her shoulder and everyone held sorrow on their faces...

Serves you all right.

They began filing out of the room. Anne chose to continue comforting me.

"Lena, shush," she said. "Everything's going to be fine-"

"N-No it's n-not!" I interrupted, still crying onto her shoulder. "I'm getting married... I'm still so young..."

"I know darling, I know." she murmured.

"I'm not... I'm not ready," I said quietly. "Why me?"

At this moment, she didn't reply. All she did was caress my hair.


I continued to cry until I had a fever and was forced back to sleep. I didn't want to go back to sleep though.

I was annoyed with what Anne had said to me before I was forced to rest,

"Lena, darling. It's just a wedding."

Just a wedding, my ass. It was not just A wedding, or SOME wedding...This was MY wedding!

I had always wanted my wedding to be special; designing it- picking out all of it, my dream dress, and marrying someone who I actually loved...

... Not someone who was chosen for me.

Gosh, why did my life have to be so complicated?

So many things I envied for in life- that I could not possibly have.

I tossed and turned, no side of the bed felt right. I felt empty and I yearned for someone to fill the emptiness...

... Someone who i also, could not possibly ever have in my life.


The bed rest was no fun at all. I was still stuck in my room again for the rest of the day. Well at least I had time to think my life trough.


My wedding was next week...

Was I going to welcome it with open arms? Take it and cherish it? Love it with all I had in me?

But I sure wasn't mentally prepared for it; promising my heart to someone who I had no intentions to ever learn how to actually love?

I honestly don't even know why Fabian even agreed to marry me...

These two months have been way too short.

And Two:

What did really I want in my life?

Well no doubt I HAD to be a princess- hence the fact that i already was one.

Did I want to be this:

A princess who is marrying just to become queen?


Did I want this:

A princess who is marrying for love? Then was bound to eventually become queen?

I thought about it for a moment, running both scenarios in my head. Then I knew.

I knew who i wanted to be...



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