Finding Love- Epilogue

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"Yes my darling?"

"What is happening today?" I looked at my beautiful little girl. She reminded me so much of Landon and i. She had his beautiful green eyes and black hair- but she inherited my pale skin and facial features.

"I'm becoming Queen silly." her face lit up.

"So that means I will be a Princess?!" I laughed.

"Yes, you'll be Princess Anabetha of Northampton."

Anabetha said, "Mommy, you are going to be a beautiful Queen." while hugging me. I hugged her back. Wow my little girl is so amazing; just like her father.

Then Landon walked in.

"Ah there are my two beautiful girls," he said enveloping me in a kiss. Even after three years of being married to him, he still manages to make me feel like jelly.

"Hi daddy!" Anabetha said hugging her daddy. Oh she was such a daddy's girl. He picked her up and gently kissed her forehead. He was such a great father to her.

He also kissed my forehead and asked, "Are you two done? The inauguration is about to happen soon."

Ah my Queen inauguration. The day was finally here. The whole reason that I was to be married in the first place.

"I'm ready."

I walked hand in hand with my husband and my beautiful little girl- life couldn't be better.

And it was all because I found love.

The End(:


So here's the very end of Finding Love. :(

Don't be so down people! I'm writing other stories!

Sadly, I will not be doing a sequel or anything of that sort. It just seems to drag the story.

Thank you all for supporting this story and making it a success!

&& Please read my other stories(:

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(For the last time!!)

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