Finding Love- Chapter Four

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Here's chapter four!

Chapter 4

Lena's POV

I spent the rest of the day in bed.

I cried a countless number of tears until I had none left to shed. I cried for my mother, father, Landon, and most importantly myself. Why was I crying for my mother?

Well she was the one who carried me for nine long months and then left me. I knew that I had issues while being carried by my mother... I caused her so much pain. A sudden tear sprang lose and flooded down my face.

My father must have been devastated having to raise me up all alone, another tear fell. And then Landon... he was so kind to me, even after all those years. He still cared. I was nearly sobbing now.

I hated myself and everything about me. I caused my mother’s death, father’s pain, and my... I chocked back the sobs. Could I really call Landon a friend? The thought made me shiver and go deeper into the comfort of my bed. And with that I continued crying, why did he make me feel this way?

I awoke with a knock at my door.

I quickly wiped away any tears that I had just shed. I forced myself out of the comfortable bed and made my way to the door. I made myself look presentable and opened the door, my father stood there.

He smiled. "Good morning Lena…”

Then, he must have really taken a good look at me. I was a mess; I had a tear stained face, puffy eyes, a rats nest of hair, and well everything was pretty much a disaster.

"Have you've been crying?" he asks. I nodded a yes. "Who was it?"

He stroked my cheek. I managed to say one word. 

"Momma,” I said and then I burst into a crying maniac.

My father pulled me close and held me there. I could feel his own tears start to fall as well.

"Oh Lena, I miss her too..."

He didn't understand, I killed the woman he loved so much.

"P – Papa I'm s – sorry... I k – killed momma," I choked out.

He just shook his head ‘no.'

"No Lena... You did not kill her. She died to give your life."

No. No! I couldn't fuss anymore, I was too weak. My father pulled away and looked at me,

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