Finding Love- Chapter Nine

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Chapter 9~

Landon's POV

The ball was bland. I didn't even get a chance to dance with Lena. I saw her with other men and I envied them. She seemed happy. Happy without me. I sighed and decided I wanted to leave.

I walked out of the ball room to run into an unknown person.

"Hello... Landon." she whispered seductively. Oh great... It was Lady Iris.

"Uh, hello Lady Iris." I replied. She roamed her hands all over my body but i just pushed her off. What a slut!

"Why you do not want to be with me?!" she asked a little taken aback.

"No. I love Lena." I said. Lady Iris looked furious.

"What does that little bitch have that I don't?!"

"Well for one, she isn't a slut; you are. Two, shes lovely without trying. Three, she's an amazing person. Four, shes caring and compasionate. And five, she isnt a bitch!" Lady Iris huffed. Then I heard footsteps coming. I tried to walk away, when all of the sudden Lady Iris pushed her lips on mine! I tried to pull away but then she said,

"Oh Landon..." the person who was walking stopped. I pushed Lady Iris off me. I didn't even kiss her back! I turned around to see Lena standing shocked.

Oh dear lord... Lena just saw me kiss another women.

She now has tears streaking down her face and she ran off.

"Lena!" I yelled after her. I pushed myself away from Lady Iris grasp and ran after the women I loved.

Lena's POV

Oh god! It was Landon sucking faces with Iris! I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces. Landon stared at me clearly shocked. I didn't know I had tears streaming down my face until I started to run.

"Lena!" I heard him call me name. I didn't slow down. I didn't want to see him. I heard his footsteps so I ran faster. Then I tripped.

"Lena! Are you alright?!" Landon asked me.

"Am I 'alright'?" I yelled. "I just saw you locking lips with LADY IRIS! And you'd think I'd be 'alright'?!"

"You saw wrong Lena!"

"No! I saw what I saw! And I clearly saw you kissing little miss slut!" I yelled, the continuous tears still flowing down my face.

"No! I didn't kiss her! She kissed ME! I swear Lena!" I wanted to believe him... I truly did.

"Your lying! You lying straight to my face!" I yelled once more. "You've been lying to me this whole time! You've never cared about me! I'm probably just one of your many SLUTS!" he looked taken aback. His face now emotionless.

"Lena... Your not one of my 'many sluts' and I really do care about you." he said. "Lena I love you." I was shocked. But I refused to believe him. But then again, he loved me?!

"No you don't." I said quietly. "You dont love me." ... "Your just saying that so I will forgive you..."

"I'm not lying Lena!" he yelled. "If I didn't love you, would I do this?!" then he kisses me... Hard. I'll admit it, I wanted the kiss. But my mind refused.

"Yes! Now get off me!" I said pushing him off me. "I never want to see you again!" ... "I Hate You!" once those words left my mouth I instantly regretted them. He just stood there like he was gonna break down. I took that chance to leave. I ran away from him, the man I loved...

... And he loved me as well.

Landon's POV (again, sorry about the POVs!)

"If i didn't love you, would i do this?!" then i kissed her. I kissed her with all I had in me, all my love. I did this to prove my undying love for her. I didn't mean for her to see me and Lady Iris. Hell, I didn't even like that Iris girl.

"Yes! Now get off me!" she said pushing me off of her. Then she shouted, "I never want to see you again!" ... "I Hate You!"

Those words from Lena, burned through my chest. They repeated in my head, over and over again. I just confessed my love for her and she hates me?! I stood there dumbstruck as she took off and ran again.

She never wanted to see my face again and worst, she hated me.

I felt my heart shrivel up and die.

The girl who I truly and deeply loved... Didn't feel the same way.


I know I know! Its short and you all hate me! But this just HAD to happen! you'll all see what I mean later on!

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