Finding Love- Chapter Five

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Here's chapter Five! Thanks for reading!

Chapter 5

Lena's POV

The feeling of his soft lips on mine was pure bliss.

It sent thrilling shocks through my body, from my head to my toes. I leaned in a bit closer. I needed to have him closer to me. His hands went to cup my cheeks and I couldn’t help but sigh. I wanted the moment to last long but…

"I am sorry. I – I do not know what came over m – me,” stuttered Landon.

He had pulled away and distanced himself from me. The slight breeze that rolled between us, gave me the chills. I wanted the warmth that we had again.

“Forgive me Princess,” he says.

"It is fine; I really didn't mind,” I say trying to sound somewhat relaxed, even though I was quite panicked. "I really so think we should be going. The sun is getting high in the sky. It will be noon soon."

I quickly got up and lend a hand to Landon. He took it without hesitation. The firm hold of his hand sent the same shocks that I felt when we kissed. That was quite strange. I guess he felt it too, because he let his hand drop from my grasp.

We rode in complete silence back to the castle. No one spoke a word and it was getting really awkward. Once we reached the castle stables he left quickly; did he regret the kiss he gave me? I touched my lips, running my fingers over each part he has kissed.

My lips ached... And they longed for his.

"Come on Your Highness! You are going to be late for dinner!" yelled Mary, while knocking franticly on my door.

D*mn that woman broke my nerves. I cursed underneath my breath and opened it.

"Yes Mary?" I asked sweetly.

I was pulling another one of my innocent acts. Mary saw through this though and only shook her head.

"Dinner… remember?"

I nodded and walked out of the doorway. I had on a deep simple lilac dress that flowed from my waist down. It was quite beautiful actually. I had my long hair in thick braids that were pinned on top of my head.

Once I made my way to the dining hall, I took a seat directly across Landon, and at the right hand of my father. 

"Hello father, Anne; might I say red really is your color.” Her face filled with a warm color and she nodded at me. “Hello Landon."

He gave me a heartbreakingly beautiful smile. Oh for the love of all that is good and holy! I need to focus.

"Hello to you my beautiful daughter," said my father with such sincerity.

Oh, how I loved my father so much.

"Thank you very much papa.”

More ladies and gentlemen came and sat down. I noticed Lady Jane, Lady Catherina, and Lady Martha immediately. Then one girl came and joined them; she had golden blond hair that reached her waist, warm brown eyes, and a smile that could light up a room. She was very pretty.

She made her way towards father.

"Hello King Harold and the lovely Queen Anne," she said curtsying and looked over at me. "Hello to you too Princess Lena; my name is Lady Iris. I come from a village outside of the castle walls. I have just arrived here today."

She had a very soft spoken voice... very gentle. I returned her the kind smile. 

"Well I am very glad to finally meet you Lady Iris, please have a seat next to me,” I say to her.

Then, I motioned her to sit down. She hesitated a bit but eventually took the seat next to mine. We talked about our likes and dislikes. I found out that she was the fresh age of seventeen, the daughter of an innkeeper, and a girl who was quite fond of men.

"I am very glad you are my friend Princess," she said with a smile.

"Please, I would much rather you call me Lena. Instead of 'Princess' or 'Your Highness', it is much simpler," I tell her and she nods her head. “I am very delighted to be your friend as well.”

Her gaze wandered until she had her eyes glued on something... Or was it someone? She leaned her head towards mine.

"Who is that man?" she whispers, a blush rising in her cheeks.

I stare at her confused as to whom she was talking about.  

"Who are you talking about?" I ask.

She pointed to Landon. Landon? I looked at him for a moment. He meets my gaze and sends me another one of his breathtaking smiles. I bite back a blush from rising into my face.

I leaned into Lady Iris and say, "Oh him? He is Prince Landon of Boldovia. He has come to stay here. I am not quite sure why he is still here though.”

I sighed. I also had wanted to say…

And he is sweet, kind, and caring. Did I mention that he is really attractive?

I wanted to slap myself, but it was all true.

Also, I shared my very first kiss with him! It was very lovely… and I loved every second of it.

But I knew my limits and since I had only just met Lady Iris, I did not want to tell her much. When I turned my attention back to Lady Iris, she was still looking at the empty seat in front of me.

“Why was he here? I mean, Boldovia is not far from here…” she says trailing off.

“He came here for the ball,” I explain.

“Is he next in line for the throne of Boldovia?” she aks.

Suddenly, I feel irritated. I mean, she had the rights to know but she was asking quite a lot of information.

“No he is not,” I say. “His older brother is.”

"Oh, well he is very good looking,” she says, sounding very dream-like and airy.


"Wait; what did you just say?” I ask, hoping that my mind was playing tricks on me. “I am sorry… I didn't quite catch your words."

I was no nervously tapping my fingers. Why? I have no clue. Lady Iris just smiled and sighed. She still had that far-away look in her eyes and it scared me.

"I said, 'I like him.' And I want him to be mine."

I felt a small part of me drop.

Why was I so jittery? I didn't even like Landon... Or do I? We only shared one kiss. It was a kiss that had been absolutely amazing. I felt this pull inside of my heart; it was calling out, 'Landon! Landon!'

Oh dear God… please help me!

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