Finding Love- Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter 13~

I couldn't fall asleep after the dream- I was thinking too hard after. I just stared up into the ceiling and mumbled a tune.

Questions and wonders blew up my mind. I even got to the point where I was scared of how imaginative and vivid my imagination was. It nearly scared me into my death.

I thought of stupid questions like: Could he telepathically read my mind?; What if we could send messages to one another?

Yeah, i know stupid right?

And some questions were somewhat intelligent: Did the dream mean something?; Can it be interpreted?

See what i mean?

And after all of that, I realized that I hadn't been thinking of Landon for a while. Like he kind of magically left my mind. It was as if I has almost forgot him.

Forgetting Landon... Could that be even possible? Can forgetting someone you love, actually happen?

I highly doubt it. Even if I would, I probably could never forget Landon- not after all we've been through.

The memories we shared as children, as maturing adults, and I'm hoping that one day... Just maybe or possibly, we could share memories of us growing old... Together.

He was my first friend, first kiss, first love...




... Heart broken.

Tears now stung my eyes. I took in deep breaths to keep then from falling- no use.

I cried for what I had... For what I lost... And for what I could of had and mostly...

... Him.


After my water works, I went down to the throne room. The castle looked more crowded than usual- it kind of freaked me. People were everywhere... Well not EVERYWHERE but you understand what i mean.

Once i stepped in the throne room, my jaw dropped. This room looked like a party or something! There were people here, doing all sorts of stuff. Catalina was off talking to some man with tapestries.

"Catalina!" I shouted. Her eyes zoned to me and widen.

"Princess Lena! What are you doing here?!" she asked running over to me.

"I'm just looking for something to do-" she stopped me.

"Your not suppose to be in here! People here are planning, you-know-what!" a light bulb flicked in my head- oh!

"Oh the wed-" she stopped me again.

"Are you no suppose to be in your chambers?!" she said ushering me out of the room. "Sleeping?"

"But I've been asleep all day!" I complained. This was getting ridiculous. "I'm tired of sleeping!" wait could that be possible? Being tired of sleeping?

"Well sleep some more!" she said. When we reached my room, she literally pushed me in the room and licked me!

"Catalina! I am your princess!" I shouted.

"Yeah, and I am your wedding planner! Now get some rest!" she said as she was walking away from the door.

"I don't want to sleep!" I shouted.

And that was true. I would probably just have another dream about him again. And who wants to cry again?

I for sure didn't. I slumped to my bed and fell on it.

Might as well sleep...


*Three days Later*

God, I am so bored. I've been suck in this hell hole of a room for three days straight! There is absolutely nothing for me to do.

I believe that I've read all my books at least a hundred times each, sang all the songs I knew thousands of times. slept as much as I could, and cried so much I think my tear tanks are dried up.

I have done nothing but CRY. And it's not helping the situation. I want to be able to go outside once again and go for a walk. I want to be able to go eat dinner at the dinning hall and not on my bed!

I want to be with people again! I feel so isolated and closed up. I feel like a pet bird in a tight cage that cannot be set free-

Wow. I'm really poetic huh? *sigh*

I wonder when Fabian is to return... He may be my arranged husband, but at least he keeps me company.

Gosh... My life stinks. I'm totally in love with a man... But marrying another.


Haha yes! Uploaded two chapters in one day! I feel so proud! Hope you enjoyed! && I know it's kind of short but hey I'm tired(:

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