Finding Love- Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter 18~

"Catalina... My veil please?!" I was so panicked; nervous and so very much anxious.

"Calm down Lena- I have it here in my hands." she pinned the long white veil in my hair and ruffled it out. Jane came up to me and fixed my dress- smoothed all the rough edges.

I took a deep breath and asked, "How do I look?" my back was to the mirror and I was forbidden to see myself until all the ladies were done with my dressing. Then I turned around. A small light gasp escaped my lips.

I looked well more beautiful than my last wedding date...

Haha yes this is my REAL wedding- with the man of my very dreams.

I couldn't wait until Landon laid his eyes on me. Just the thought of it brought warmth to my cheeks.

"You look absolutely BEAUTIFUL, Lena!" declared Jane. Then Martha walked in.

"Oh my! Lena! Look at you!" she nearly screamed. "I cannot await the look on Landon's face when he lays his eyes on you!" a blush crept on my face. They all giggled. A knock came upon the door and Anne walked in,

"Lena darling, we haven't got all day-" they she looked at me. She gasped and tears filled her eyes. "Oh my-! Lena!"

"What?! Do I look bad? Awh I do, don't I? ..." I continued to blabber until Anne sudden hug stopped me.

"Oh Lena! You... You look so beautiful! My tears are of happiness! Not sorrow!" my breathing steadied and I smiled.

"Thank you Anne for everything." I whispered low and quietly. She pulled away and looked at me. She gently cupped my face and planted a small kiss on my forehead.

"Lena- you know I love you right?" I nodded; small tears stung my eyes. "And you're all that I have. Even though we are not blood bounded- your still going to be forever always my daughter." I forced back a sob from escaping. I genuinely hugged Anne back.

"I love you as well Anne." she smiled heartily.

"Well are you ladies done? We got a bride to deliver to her wedding!"


Oh my god.

I was so- so nervous. Those three words ran through my head over and over again:

I'm getting MARRIED.

My hands were shaking uncontrollably and sweating like crazy. I was close to near hyperventilation. Then a hand grasped my shoulder. I screamed.

"Shush! Lena it's only me!" I turned around- it was Catalina.

"Catalina! You nearly killed me!" she chuckled and shook her head.

"Why are you so... Nervous?" she asked me.

"I'm getting married of course!"

"Yes, for the almost second time. You've already waked down that isle once. Why so different now?"

I thought about it for a moment.

"Well last time- I almost married Fabian, I has no such feelings for him. But this time- I'm marrying Landon, and I love him... So much. So you get it?" I tried to explain- but love has no explanation.

Catalina quietly said, "Okay." while nodding her head.

I pushed that away and concentrated on what I was about to do.

Then a smile crept on my face; I'm marrying Landon. I'm going to be forever his.

Just as quickly as those thoughts came... They went away. They were replaced by fears.

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