Finding Love- Chapter Eight

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Chapter 8~

Well today was the day. I woke up with a knock on my door. It opened to reveal Anne and all of the ladies in waiting. They were each holding a bag of surprises.

"What's all of this?" I ask still slightly sleepy.

"Well all your gifts of course!" said Caterina, who was grinning like crazy.

"You all did not have too."

"Oh but we wished to. Happy Birthday my dear princess Lena." said Anne happily as she handed me the bag. I opened the one from Anne first; it was a beautiful midnight blue dress that wasn't too flashy.

"Anne! I love it! Thank you so much!" she smiled. I opened the one from Caterina next it was a diamond necklace that would go perfectly with the dress; I thanked her. Jane gave me a sapphire bracelet, while Martha had given me a beautiful bitterly brochette.

"Where is Lady Iris?" I ask. She's been a little fishy these last few weeks. She goes and comes like the wind.

"Urm, we actually believe she is away on a trip." said Jane. I look at them confusingly.

"She just took off on my birthday?" I ask a little annoyed. No one disrespects me. But then again, I didn't like Iris much anyways.

"We suppose so." said Martha.

"Oh well, I don't like her much anyway." I admit. Everyone starts laughing too.

"Urm, we don't like her much either." replied Caterina. Everyone nodded in agreement, even Anne. I couldn't keep the smile off my face.

"Good. Well anyways let us get ready."


I went off to check on the ball room preparations. Everything was turning out beautifully. Once i was done i made my way back to my chambers to get ready. I stopped when I heard his voice. There he was standing right in front of my very eyes. He looked as handsome as ever and i felt myself get butterflies.

"Landon." I greeted him.

Landon's POV

"Landon." she greeted me. There she was standing right in front of me. I know we haven't been on the same level these last fee days but I missed her. Every time I saw her, I wanted to run up to her and hug her and love her- obviously knew she didn't feel the same. She hated me.

"Lena." I greeted back with a nod. "Happy birthday." she smiled.

"Thank you. But if you will excuse me- I must be going." she said not meeting my eyes. Why?! I watched her walk off.

"Lena... If you only knew." I whispered. I asked myself; do I love her?!

Yes, yes I did.


The celebration had started. Lena hadn't appeared yet. I was standing next to Stefan.

"Where do you think the princess is? I mean it IS her party." Stefan asked/said. I shrugged.

"Why would I know?"

"Well you obviously like her." Stefan stated. If only he knew also.

"Whatever." I said with a sigh. Then the guards made an announcement.

"Welcome all, the royal princess herself; Princess Lena of Northampton." Lena walked in looking strikingly beautiful. The dark blue velvety dress fitted her perfectly. I couldn't keep my eyes away. She beamed with happiness then she met my gaze...

Lena's POV (sorry for switching the POV's so much!)

I gulped it was time. I walked up to the guards and they made the announcement.

"Welcome all, the royal princess herself; Princess Lena of Northampton." I slowly walked in to ball room. All eyes were on me and all the girls eyed me; envy written all over their faces. I smiled. I looked all around until those familiar green eyes. He looked at me- well more like stare. I was a little taken aback. He looked great as ever. I forced and pulled my eyes away and walked to my father. He was sitting on his throne, beaming like any other father would. He smiled and held a hand out to him. I gladly took it and he sat me to his left.

"Lena, you looked beautiful tonight darling." he said looking at me. "Just like your mother."

"Thank you papa." I said smiling.

"I believe every man wants his chance tonight." I laughed a quiet laugh.

"Whatever you say papa." and with that my father stood up and held out his hand, the room immediately quieted.

"Fellow gathers, thank you all for joining us, for my daughters birthday celebration tonight. Please enjoy and dance!" the room bellowed in cheers and said,

"Happy Birthday Princess Lena!"


Soon after that, people came up to me and wished me a good birthday. Even a few men came up to me and asked for a dance or two. I gladly obliged, seen as my father had already asked me to dance with whomever may ask me.

Now I was dancing with Sir. Charles Shendrells, of Haddelson He was quiet old but I danced with him anyways.

"You my dear look ravishing," he said lightly touching my cheek. "Very lovely." I cringed. How old was this man again?! I politely smiled and excused myself. I needed to get away. I moved to the back of the room and just sat there. This was getting out of control. I must of sat for a while for I didn't notice someone walk in on me. I looked up, shocked.

"Oh. I'm sorry." he said clearly flustered. He was quiet handsome; with auburn brown hair, crystal blue eyes, a tall clearly muscular body, and a nice handsome face.

"'Tis fine." I said.

"I'm Prince Fabian of Normandy." I opened my mouth to say my name- when he shut me off. "And I know who you are; Princess Lena of Northampton." I nodded. "You are the talk of the night."

"Haha, I guess I am." I said. "So why aren't you out there."

"I should ask you that Princess." he stated.

"Well it literally chaos out there so I came here; you?"

"Same. But you should be out there- you are the main 'star.'" I laughed. I heard my name

"Well I believe I must go. See you soon Fabian."

"You as well Princess."

"Hey you are a Princes as well. No need to call me 'Princess.'" I told him. He slowly chuckled.

"Sure. See you soon, Lena."


I was tired and exhausted. The birthday ball was still going on and everyone was still perky and dancing- crazy. I didn't spot Landon again tonight and I heard Fabian went to retire in the guest chambers- he will be here as a guest for the next month. Truthfully I was happy I hadn't seen him yet. I had finally decided to retire also.

As I made my way back to my chambers, saw lady iris smooching faces with someone. I thought she was gone?! Then she moaned the name that caused me to stiffen,

"Oh Landon..."


Cliffhanger! So what will happen next?! && I know some of you may hate me! Also what do you all think about Fabian?!

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