Finding Love- Chapter Eleven

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Chapter 11~

"What?!" I managed to say after minutes of silence. My father sighed.

"Lena, if you could of just chosen... We wouldn't be in this situation right now." he explained. But did he not get it?! I did not love Fabian! I loved Landon!

Then suddenly realized, there were no doubts what so ever in my words:

I was in love with Landon.

"But father, I do not love Fabian-" I glanced up at fabian and his face dropped. "- Well at least not in that way."

"I understand Lena-" Fabian spoke up but that was to be only shut by my father.

"Lena, you WILL learn to love him. LEARN." I've never heard my father so... Angry before. "The wedding is in two months time. I expect you to LEARN to love him by then." my sighed, I clearly lost.

"If this is done, excuse me." I said as I got up and exited the room.


I cannot still believe I am to marry FABIAN! Fabian who is my most trusted friend is the man I am to marry.

This is all so overwhelming. What if I couldn't learn to love him? What if I never did?

What if he learned to love me... And I could never return it?


Later I asked Fabian to come to my chambers.



"Come in." I said. Walked in- Fabian.

"Lena. You called." he said much to quietly.

"Yes. Hi Fabian." ... "Please... Sit." I asked him to sit on the bed next to me. Gladly, he took it.

"So, what did you need?" he said, once again quietly.

"Fabian. Be honest with me. Do you wish to marry me or not?" I asked.

"I-I um, god. Lena I don't know." he said sadly. "I'm not exactly marriage ready." I nod my head.

"I'm going to be honest with you too Fabain." I said. He looked at me. "I honestly do not think-" I was interrupted by a sudden knock at the door.


"Come in."

"Hello Princess Lena. Prince Fabian. I hope I wasn't intruding anything." said Catalina.

"Oh no." we both said at the same time.

"Yeah I was just leaving." Fabian added. And with that he left the room.

"What were you two talking about?" asked Catalina.

"Personal." I said quietly. "What do you need Catalina."

"Oh Queen Ann needed me to get you. We need to get you a wedding dress." I groaned internally.

Why?! Why?! WHY?!

"Everyone knows about your marriage with Fabian." She added. Everyone knew?

"Everyone knows?" I ask a little shock.

"Yes. Even those in other countries." Catalina said. "Now back to the dress- the weddings in two months- a dress takes long to sew and fit to your liking."

"Okay." then suddenly tears spill out of no where. Catalina gently patted my back.

"There there. I'm sure you'll be happy, you did chose to marry him after all."

"No I-I did not." I said while I chocked back sobs.

"What?! I thought you chose." I shook my head.

"Nope. Since I never made an attempt into looking, father chose for me."

"Oh. Well I'm sure you two will learn to love, right?" Catalina said reassuringly.

"That's the thing..." I said my voice slightly quivered. "I don't want to learn to love him."


I know short ass chapter! Next one should be longer!

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