Finding Love- Chapter Three

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Here's chapter three!

Chapter 3

Lena's POV

I wake early the next morning to go on a walk... A light breeze filled the air and made me tingle with a giddy delight. The sun was just rising over the horizon. It was beautiful. These were time like this that I wished I could have shared with my mother.

My mother.

A sudden tear escaped from my eyes. I quickly wiped it away. I wasn't going to cry over a woman I had never one met. I heard stories about her from my father. He made her seem like she was always around... watching me.




"Oh papa, please tell me about momma!" I squealed with delight.


I had always wanted to know about my mother. Papa nodded and began.


"One day, while I was a prince- I met a beautiful young lady at a ball. She had dark brown hair- very much like yours Lena." I blushed.


Papa had always said I looked very much like momma.


"She was fairly shy; scared to be around me. But she soon softened and we became good friends. One day while we were sitting by a lake, just outside these castle walls, I asked her to marry me. I asked,


'Liza of Trinity, during these past few months of being with you... I have grown to love you. With each passing day, that love grows stronger. So I am asking you, Liza will you do the honors of marrying a Prince like me?'" a sigh escaped his lips.


"Of course she said yes. We were married not more than a few weeks later. Soon, we became the King and Queen. Within a few months – your mother was carrying you. The nurses said that this pregnancy would be hard on her, but Liza was strong... She refused to let you go." Papa was looking right at me now, his eyes filled with tears.


"And those last few months were hard – so very hard. And at the end she couldn't take it anymore. Lena that was when she had to let go." he was crying now.


"I still remember the very last thing she said before... before she went, she said: 'Harold, I love you, please love our daughter, Lena for me'. And she had let go."


I knew this was hard for papa, he has loved momma. That night I just held papa close to me and I cried too.



*end of flashback*

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