Finding Love- Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter 15~

... I wanted to be me.

No one else could ever change that.


Tomorrow was the day... The day that I announce my vows to a man... A man whom I will someday learn to love.

Although, I may not love this marriage at first... I will accept it.

I have to... For my country.

Landon's POV

The country had been buzzing about Lena's marriage the whole day. It hurt to know and hear that her marriage wasn't to me... But I will live on right?

I have been invited by King Harold himself- as seeing that I WAS a close friend of Lena's. I still cannot believe she accepted the marriage; what we had... Wasn't it love?

Or was it just a one time thing?

I was was seriously messed up now. I was totally in love with a woman who was engaged, and was to be married tomorrow.

I was now sitting in my old bed chamber, awaiting a call from the King himself- he said he needed to have a word with me.



"Prince Landon? The king is awaiting you."

Lena's POV

I lied sleepless although I was dying for sleep. My kind replayed the conversation that me and Catalina had the hour before.




"Yes?" I asked.

"'Tis I Princess, Catalina." I let her in.

"Hello Catalina; what did you need?"

"I need to know the truth, Lena." the truth? She seemed serious through, she never called me Lena unless she was serious.

"What do you mean?"

"I know that your not in love with Fabian." she stated. Was it really that obvious?

"Okay, your right. I don't love Fabian." I admitted.

"Then why do you say you are?!"

"Because I have to marry him!"

"I know it's an ARRANGED marriage in all, but don't keep lying to him Lena!"

"What am I suppost to say?! 'Oh Fabian, let's get married even though we don't love one another?!'" I yelled. "I have to do so! It's best for this country. Even if I must sacrifice what I dearly want!"

"And what do you want?"

"To be happy with the man I actually love!" i blurted. Catalina's eyes widened.

"You love someone else?" she asked quietly. I nodded. "Who?!"

"I'm madly in love with Landon."

"As in Prince Landon?!" I nodded once more. "Then why didn't you marry him?!" I sighed and explained the whole issue with Lady Iris and about him leaving me.

"... And that's all."

"Oh my god Lena! This is bad! Your marrying one man while you love another!"

"As if I didn't realize that already!" I said, "But I want to forget him... I just can't." tears were threatening to fall now. "B-But I must if I want to l-learn to l-love Fabian... I-" I didn't get to finish because I was full on crying. Catalina pulled me close and comforted me.

"Shush. All I can tell you is do what your heart is telling you, not your mind. Follow your heart."

*End of Flashback*

Follow my heart, not my mind.

My mind was screaming at me:


While my heart was softly saying:

Don't marry Fabian; go be with Landon. Be happy.

Do I chose what I want or what is best?

What if I chose wrong...?


Today was the day.... The day of my wedding.

I awoke with sleep still lingering in my eyes. I could not sleep at all last night; I couldn't decide on what I wanted.

And I still didn't know which to chose; heart or mind?

Both choices would have it's negative affects. If I followed my heart, i would have what I wanted but not what was best for my country. And if I chose my mind, I would do what was best for my country but not what I wanted.

A tear made it's way down my face, this was gonna be hard... Very hard.

Landon's POV (Directly from his last POV)

"Landon, I have something to discuss you you," said the king. "And I need to know the truth."

"Yes if course King Harold. Always."

"Do you, or do you not, love my daughter?"

I froze. Was he seriously asking me this? What do I say? Do I tell him?

----------- and I was going to stop but since I'm nice I'll continue! ----------

"Honestly sire," I said slowly. "I do, I really do." he smiled.

"That's what I thought my boy."

"Wait, your excepting this?" I asked confused. He nodded.

"Actually I've known, and I also know she loves you much as well." instantly my heart lit up.

Lena actually loved me as well?!

"But why is she marrying Fabian then?"

"I'm sorry, but I forced her." he said sadly.


"You left her that's why!" I immediately came to realization. I DID leave her.

"I regret it, but can you stop the wedding?" he looked at me sadly and shook his head.

"I am only king, not a priest or a mere person. But-"

"But what?" I asked hopeful.

"But you can."

"I can?" he nodded.

"Yes, when the priest asks, 'Who objects the marriage of this man and women?' you say 'I Object!' and you have a chance to stop the wedding." I nodded.

I knew what I had to do...

... I had to stop the wedding.


Next Chapter is going to be the Wedding! I'm excited! So many things are about to happen!

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