Finding Love- Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter 16~

Lena's POV

"Can I see the dress now?" I ask Catalina. I was tired and my feet ached.

"Not yet Princess, just a few more adjustments- it looks like you lost a bit if weight..." no really! I've been stuck in my room as a prisoner, what did you expect?!


My mind still couldn't process the fact that today I was going to become a married women.

Yes it's the wedding day. MY wedding day. I shuddered at the thought. Isn't a girls wedding day suppose to be her most memorable and precious day? Then why don't I feel that way? I feel as if it's just a thing that I would do day to day. It isn't special to me.

I know I feel horrible.

"Okay Princess you may look now." i turned to face the mirror and gasped; shock rang in my head. I was speechless... Stunned.

"Oh my..." I managed to say. This was unbelievable. I looked nothing like me.

The dress was simple, yet greatly elegant. It was off the shoulder a bit and slim. It fitted down until it reached my knees and flared down. It was a beautiful ivory color; I loved it. It also held little diamonds along the waist and chest area.

"I love it!" I said, happiness clear in my voice. I felt like a princess! Wait, I already wad one.

"We're all ecstatic; you looked beautiful Princess." said Jane; she admired the dress... envy in her eyes. I laughed quietly.

"You all are amazing!" I said hugging them all- which I surprised even myself. They all looked at me in sheer confusion and I just shrugged. I was just to happy about the dress.

"Catalina? My shoes please?" I asked. She nodded an handed me my new pearly white shoes. They were pretty as well. They also matched the dress well too. "Okay thank you. When's the wedding going to start?"

"A few hours at the most." said Martha. I nodded. All the sudden Jane screams,

"Make up and hair!"

We all laugh. Maybe this wedding won't be so bad after all...

Landon's POV

I anxiously awaited the moment to where the wedding would start. I was nervous and happy all at the same time. King Harold said he would back me up if I needed it. But many 'What it's...' ran through my head.

Like what if she was happy with him? What if I professed my undying love and she pushed me away? What if didn't want anything to do with me?

I know these all sound stupid but hey, the girl that I loved was getting married to a guy... That wasn't me.

Lena's POV

"Let me do her hair!" screamed Jane. I laughed humorously. They were fighting over my hair! How strange right?

"No you did her make up! Be fair!" screamed Martha back. Gosh they were so childish.

"Both of you do her hair!" yelled Catalina. I mouthed a thank you and she cracked a smile. I hated it when people fussed over me.

"Fine." they both sighed simultaneously. They each grabbed a piece of my long hair and did their magic.



"Sorry Princess; a knot was in your hair."

"Please be more gentler." I said a tiny tear slipping from my eyes.

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