Finding Love- Chapter Seven

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Chapter 7~

We were all seated at dinner, ready to eat when my father asked me a question.

"So Lena, is there anyone whom you fancy?" I nearly chocked on my food.

"Urm, father. May we please post pone the whole marriage thing?" I ask. He looks at me with a wide opened mouth.

"Why?" he asks. I shake my head.

"Father, I just do not think I'm ready." I said quietly. My father shakes his head at me.

"I'm sorry my princess, that is not possible. You mist find a husband within these three months." he says sadly. A few tears threaten to fall. "Do not cry. Cheer up, we'll have your birthday ball in two weeks time. Hopefully you'll meet someone." I nod and excuse myself to my chambers.

I still cannot believe I am stuck in this position. I have to be married! But when I think of marriage, a picture of a smiling Landon pops in my head. I sighed, I really needed to stop thinking of him... It makes me crazy. Ugh, and my birthday ball... what if I don't meet anyone to my liking? I groan and close my eyes an fall into an uncomfortable sleep.


*One Week Later*

I was happily sitting by the bank of the river admiring the glorious day... when a whole load of water suddenly splashes on me.

"Who the hell splashed all this water?!" I yell. I look up to see the wide eyes of Landon and Stefan. "You!" I screech and get up. My dress and i were soaking wet! The white cotton fabric was now clinging to my skin. I was fuming with anger and I stomped off, my blood boiling. I was so angry I didn't hear the footsteps of a running Landon catching up to me.

"Lena!" he called after me. "Lena, wait! Im so sorry!" I huffed and continue to walk off. I really didn't give a damn about him anymore. I turned around.

"Landon, will you stop it! Stop saying your sorry all the time!" I said with venom. He looked taken aback and stood there. "Just stop it." I said quieter.

"Lena..." he started but I cut him off.

"It's fine Landon... Just leave it." and I walked off.


I sat on my bed thinking: did I actually hold feelings for Landon. I resolved with a 'yes I did.' I knew he obviously felt a connection to me as well, but I knew he didn't feel the same way.

But the little boy that I once knew was still there underneath all that manliness.

I sighed and looked out the window- only to see him walking the grounds with Stefan. I truly did regret yelling at him earlier... I was just mad, angry.

He looked so happy, carefree. If only I could be like that.


*A day before Lena's Birthday*

"Lena; gold and silver, blue and gold, silver and green, or a deep red and gold?" asked Anne hold up tapestries of different colors. We were picking oh color themes for the ball room tomorrow. I was officially turning 17. I really dreaded what awaited me tomorrow- men of all kinds... Wishing to marry me.

"Defiantly blue and gold." I answer immediately, trying to hide my suffering. Anne smiled.

"I like those also." Anne has kept me pretty occupied this last week and has helped me keep my mind off of... Him. I can't even think about him without feeling sadness.

"Oh, how about food?" asked Anne. I thought about that for a little bit.

"How about a stuffed chicken, vegetables of any kind, maybe a duck or a swan, fruits of all kind; preferably fruits that cannot rot so easily, and the other foods can be a surprise." Anne nods and smiles.

"Are you excited, Lena?"

"About what?" I spat. "That my birthday I'd tomorrow and I free it or the fact that I am to be married it three months?!" the way my words came out, sounded venomously meaner then I had wished for them too be. "I- I'm sorry Anne." then here comes the tear works. I start sobbing.

Anne hold me close and caresses my hair- something she hasn't done in a while. She kisses my hair.

"I'm sorry Lena. I know this is not what you may want. But I do not control what happens- I am only Queen. I am not God. God only has the powers to change what life becomes. If I could do something... I would. But I just cannot." Anne explained with tears also in her eyes.

"And I am also not the late Queen Liza, who herself created this wish. You must respect what she wishes, my dear Lena. You must." she kisses mohair again and I finally calm down.

"I-I know Anne. I know. But I'm just... Afraid. Afraid of what is to come." I managed to say while taking in deep breaths.

"I know darling, I know." we sit there like that for what seemed like hours until Anne pulled away and said that we must continue with the preparations. I simply nod and obey.


I laid there, sleep unable to consume me. I was emotionless right now, for all I did for hours were cry. Tomorrow was my birthday and the day I would finally look for a husband.


The next part will be her birthday! What do you all think will happen? Will she and Landon make up? Or fall deeper into confusion?

&& sorry for such short ass chapters!

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