Finding Love- Chapter Six

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As promised. :D

Chapter 6

Landon's POV

I was sitting across from Lena and next to the queen at the table.

I couldn’t take my eyes off of Lena though. She looked so beautiful – she always did. When she had greeted me, I felt something in the pits of my stomach. I didn’t know how to explain the feeling though.

Soon, woman approached the king. She introduced herself as Lady Iris, daughter if an innkeeper. She was very beautiful... But nothing compared to Lena. Lena was like a breath of fresh air, you could not ever get enough of it; she was like a drug.

Iris took a seat next to Lena and they started to talk. I looked attentively at them; I know I'm very nosy but I heard my name whispered and I was also pointed at so, I had to know what they were saying.

"... Him to be mine."

That was all heard before I saw Lena gasp and hold a sudden shock on her face.

Iris laughed and told Lena, "Oh dear Lena, I really do like him.”

I knew that she looked right at me. So, I pretended not to notice.

“Will you please help me? You know get him?”

She smiled at me and I sent a friendly smile back. Her cheeks turned a blotchy red. Wait... She liked me? Oh my dear heavens! Iris liked me, but I liked Lena. I could see that Lena’s face had turned emotionless.

"Y – You want h – him…?” stuttered Lena.

She looked at me. Then she must have realized I had been listening in because quickly as she looked at me, she looked away. I sighed. Did that one kiss me nothing to her? Well it meant the world to me. 

"Excuse me" said Lena as she quickly got up and rushed out of the room.

I sat up then and excused myself too. I walked until I was out of the room and then ran. Where did she go? I ran for what seemed like hours... until I finally found her. She was sitting on the ground with her knees up to her chest. I walked towards her, slow and quiet. Once I reached her…

"Lena?" I asked quietly.

Her eyes flashed up to me. She looked pained and sad. I got on my knees and moved closer to her. As I neared her, she pushed herself further away from me.

"I'm sorry," she says.

I sighed and continued moving closer to her. 

"What is there to be sorry for?" I ask.

I couldn't go away. I cared too much for her to let her slip away from me like that.

"Oh… n – nothing,” she says quietly. “Landon, why do you do this?"

I was taken aback.

"What do you mean?" I didn't understand.

She looked at me like I was stupid or something.  "You come to comfort me whenever in upset. You act as if I am so special. Why?" 

 "Because, I think I am falling for you," I blurted out.

Lena's POV

I do not know what came over me or what possessed me to run out of the room.

She – she just made me so angry!

I ran until I reached the end of the hallway. Then I turned a corner and then another. I just needed to get as far away from… them as possible. After I ran for what seemed like forever, I just collapsed.

My knees were brought up to my chest and I just sat there. I let the silence consume me…


I lifted my head, startled. I absolutely hated it when others sneaked up on me… it scared me. But after I saw who the person was, my nerves calmed. It was only Landon. He got on my knees and moved closer to me. But as he neared me, I pushed myself further away.

"I'm sorry," I say.

I heard him sighed. "What is there to be sorry for?"

"Oh… n – nothing,” I say but it sounded more like a mumble. “Landon, why do you do this?"

Landon freezes and his body stiffens. "What do you mean?"

I lift my eyes to meet his. "You come to comfort me whenever in upset. You act as if I am so special. Why?" 

Then, he says something that I would have never expected. It was something that made my heart beats accelerate.

"Because, I think I am falling for you.”

I stood there dumbfounded. He was falling for m – me? Then I did something stupid, I ran. Why? I really don't know. I heard him calling my name but that just made me run faster. I am such a coward I know...

Yea you are! You probably broke the poor boys heart!, screamed my inner self.

I shoved her away. But why was he falling for me? I am not perfect in anyway... Plus I'm just a princess who needs a husband. I am nothing special. That got me thinking... how many more months did I still have?

Four months and two weeks. God that was not enough! I pulled myself to a halt and fell on my knees and started crying. I hated this stupid marriage, stupid royalty... and poor stupid me.

[One month later.]

It has been one month since I have last spoken to Landon.

We completely tune each other out of our lives. Life has been quiet and... well boring. My father forces me around to balls and dinners to meet some 'young, compatible, and intelligent young men', 'young, compatible, and intelligent young men' my a*s!

Gosh I hate being forced into this. To think I had barely three months left to be an unmarried women. Life sucked for a princess. The men I met were not very young and much less compatible. They were not anywhere near intelligent.

When I thought about the perfect man for me, all I could think of was… him.

I was reading a book in the castle library when he walked in. He looked as handsome as ever and slightly tanner. Had he been outside a lot? He must have noticed my gaze because he turned to look at me with his deep green eyes.

We started into each other’s eyes like as if we had been apart for long. Which I guess was partially true. I quickly looked away after that and buried myself in my book once more. I did not dare look back up.

After a while I decided that it would best for me to leave the library. As I made my way to the door, someone grabbed me and spun me around. What they did next was land a kiss on my lips

I tried to pull away but the persons grasp was too tight. The kiss was strangely familiar; electrifying. As hard as I tried, there was not much I could do but kiss back. When they finally pulled away I looked at them... it was Landon! I should've known!

 "You!" I screamed. “How dare you?”

He smiled. This was my second kiss from him. And with that I stormed out of the library and straight towards my room. But soothing inside hungered for more... Was it because we had been apart for so long?

As I stormed out of the room, I couldn’t help but let a smile grace my lips. He had kissed me… again.  

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