Finding Love- Chapter Twelve

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Chapter 12~

The air was brisk and cold as winter approached. I wasn't permitted to leave the castle anymore- not even to go out.

Father said it was much to dangerous and I should be in good health for my wedding.


Those two words seemed so foreign and strange... Like they should be from another planet or something.

I was nervous, I can admit that... But then again, it just didn't seem right.

Anne said I wasn't allowed to have anything to do with this wedding- she would plan it all... Well of course with the help of the Ladies.

So she would be inviting the people, picking the flowers, food, decorations, and even my dress!

I begged and pleaded but she refused. Damn her.

The wedding was to take place on the date of January fifth; one month away from now. And all I could do from now on was sit all day.

Fabian was on a trip to his home county of Normandy to visit his family for the holidays. And why didn't I go?

Well you see, I faked an illness. I know how horrible of me, but I was just not ready to meet my future husbands family! That is just too much pressure!

Plus, I decided he needed some alone time, away from being here. And soon he would be living here with me...

Fabian and I agreed to try and work out this marriage, and if life didn't want us to be together:

we would just divorce.

Simple as that.

I glanced out the window and watched the snowflakes fall from the grey skies. God I wish I could be out there right now- playing in Decembers first snow... Enjoying myself.

But no. I'm stuck in here to preserve my oh so called 'good health.' Good health my ass! I hate being kept away from things.

I hated being like this... So helpless and lonely.


Darkness soon approached the sky and nightfall came. I laid in bed unable to sleep... My mind constantly thinking of Landon...

Why was I thinking of Landon at a time like this?! I was about to become a MARRIED women! A Queen! And he was never to return... Ever.

So why did I keep my hopes up?

Landon's POV

I felt disgusted with myself. Here I am laying in an unknown bed with an unknown girl. Her naked body pressed all over me. I shuddered at the thought.

Damn, why can't I just move on? Instead of dwelling in the past?

Why can't I just forget her and actually live for once? Instead of doing all of this to myself?

I quickly get up and dress myself. I step out of the room without looking back once.

I know I feel like a complete man whore... Using innocent girls. I quickly throw the thought away.

Once I was in the Inns lobby, I sat myself as the bar.

"Whisky, please." the bartender nodded and poured me a cup.

I lost track after the first few cups.

Sometime later, two men seated themselves next to me. Im glad they didn't recognize who i was. They both talked among themselves until I heard them mention HER name.

"Wait what did you two say?" I asked, instantly sober. They both turn to face me.

"We were just talking about how Princess Lena of Northampton is having a wedding celebration next month." said the blond head one.

Lena was engaged? And to be married? How long have I've been gone? Two months at the least right?

I felt my heart shatter even more.

Wow she moved on fast...

"To whom?"

"Prince Fabian of Normandy." replied the red head one.

Fabian?! She's to marry FABIAN?! Why Fabian for crying out loud?!

"Yes and we also heard that it has been arranged marriage." said the blond.

I knew the reason why: Lena had to be married. But...

... arranged? Why? I thought she had choice.

"Arranged huh?" I ask, mostly to myself. "Well boys thank you both for telling me this." they both nod and I step out of the inn.

A sudden idea pops into my head- yes! What a brilliant idea!

I'm going back to Northampton.

Lena's POV

Soon sleep enfolded me in it's grasps and I welcomed it.


It was dark and foggy. The sky was as cloudless as an endless night. The only thing I could make out was a shadowy white figure approaching me. My first thought was to turn and run- but my body forced itself to go on.

The figure approached me and came closer and closer. I was scared but my mouth refused to scream. It's like my body rejected my wills and moved on it's own.

I wanted to cry, shout, scream, yell- do anything to get away. But my body continued to refuse.

I could make out the figure now. For one: HE was gorgeous. Yes it was a HE. And he strangely looked familiar- it scared me even more.

And all the figure had a chance to say was, "I'm coming for you my love."

*End of Dream*

I bolted up awake; sweat drizzles down my face. The dream was about...

... Landon.

And he was coming for me.


Ugh I hate being sick! It's so boring! Well hope you enjoyed this!

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