Chapter 24- Self Reproach

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I couldn't fucking sleep.

It's been almost 24 hours since Malia's disappearance, but my nerves have been a wreck. I've been isolated in my room since I got home from my little meeting earlier. I had thought it'd help to relieve some stress the only way I truly know how to. But even that brought little to no satisfaction.

~~~5 hours ago~~~

Brooks and I pulled up to the compound and I don't think I even put the car in park all the way before I was out and heading towards the cellar.

I assumed Vlad's men were already situated inside doing god knows what. I had spotted two of his men outside and I knew I had four of my own posted around the area. I know he had already assessed his surroundings and I don't doubt he had more of his men around here somewhere. Didn't matter to me much.

I wasn't going to be here long.

I push open the cellar door and make my way down the stairs. I can hear Brooks footsteps behind me as I spot Felix in the dimly lit hall.

The cellar was broken off from the compound. A few feet away, but within running distance so we weren't too far. Ace had it built this way in case anyone we stashed here managed to get free. We could spot them from inside with just a glance out the window.

The land surrounding this place wasn't much, but you definitely couldn't get far without being seen. The main road was a bit of a ways out and the road up to the compound wasn't cemented. It had been driven on so much that it's road was naturally paved. You could barely see the opening from the street which was good. We were secluded, but not too much.

Felix nods to me as I approach him. "Boss."


He sighs as Brooks comes to a halt behind me. "He's conscious. He's been mumbling nonsense since I woke him up with a shock to the balls."

Brooks laughs. "Did his face look all weird when he felt his kids die down there? Did his balls jiggle a litt-"

Felix's face scrunches up as he cuts him off. "I didn't feel him up, you fucker. If you're so concerned with how his balls look why don't you go in there and-"

"Enough." I grunt. I turn around and smack Brooks upside the head before turning towards the table set up beside the door. "Is this everything?"

I pick up one of my carving knives from the pouch laid out and inspect it. It's tip was curved and sharp, ready to be used. The handle was made of leather, giving me a firm grasp which is needed when cutting through tough flesh.

"Yes, boss. I had Nino sharpen everything before I brought it over," Felix says.

I eye my 'tools' once more before nodding.

"You and Brooks stand guard." I take my knife, pliers, and handsaw. "I don't want any distractions."

I turn as they nod and open the door.

First thing I see is him on his knees, hands cupped, head up, and eyes staring straight at me. His mouth is moving as I shut the door and lock it behind me. I don't realize what he's saying until I'm kneeling in front of him, looking into his soul.

He's praying.

I feel a smile, maybe an evil smile to him, but a smile nonetheless, play on my lips and I grin. I bring the tip of my knife up to his left cheek and drag it down toward the side of his mouth.

"Pray." I say, as I hear a laugh break free from my throat. "Pray and ask your god to forgive the things I'm going to do."

His feet are chained to the floor so his legs can't move an inch. His hands are tied in front of him and I doubt he'd dare to try and touch me. But his mouth...the screams...I would've sworn it was a girl in here.

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