Chapter 22- Revelations

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I woke up feeling like there were some things that needed my attention and I couldn't keep pushing it back. For instance, this morning I have to stop by and check on Vlad and his men, partly to make sure they haven't caused any damage to my property.

If so, we're gonna have some problems.

By the time I get to the kitchen, Malia is already making breakfast as Chip gets ready to head out to Jules whose come to take him to school and was patiently waiting outside. As soon as he's gone, I take the chance to look Malia over.

Her posture is stiff and she looks deep in thought as she finishes her bacon before turning around to meet my eyes. I don't know why, but just her facial expression reminded me of when we stood in that classroom.

She was staring at me with those same intense eyes that always made me feel almost..excited at the idea of having her eyes on me.

But I realized confronting her with the kiss, having food spilled all over my lap, and making Malia run out of the house faster than I can say 'I'm stupid' was the worst way you can kill a mood.

Which is why I am now on my way to see what Vlad and his men have been up to and if they've come across anything that could help us at this point.

Seeing as I'm already majorly annoyed and pissed at myself, I wasn't in the mood for anyone's bullshit today. I had already put my 'Don't Fuck With Me' face on today and it wasn't looking to come off very soon.

I was in a bad mood.

"Why does your face look like that, you piece of shit," Brooks shouts, eating a sandwich as he stands next to the gate of our hidden compound.

I had asked him to meet me here so we can go over the information he's gained from the man I had him question. I figured Vlad would need to be present in case he knew anything that I didn't.

I pull up in front of him and stick my finger out the window. "Open the damn gate, you dickwad!"

My comment has no effect on Brooks as he just laughs and punches in the code, disarming our security systems and armed guns running along the compound wall. As I'm driving in, Brooks makes the mistake of getting near my car, giving me the opportunity to reach out and give him a shot to his family jewels.

Satisfaction courses through me as I hear him grunt and fall to his knees, as I pull in the rest of the way. What I see almost impresses me...almost. I park and make my way towards the house.

Vlad's men are everywhere. He has an area of men training in hand to hand combat, another area made up for a shooting range, an area for his men to plan a course of action, etc.

In the midst of it all, I spot Vlad standing at the head of the house, watching everything closely. He's flanked by two men on each side. One seems to be talking to him while the other eyes me as I make my way up the steps.

"You got a problem with me?" I question him as I sneer, my fists clenching on their own.

His eyes narrow and he looks like he's getting ready to brawl with me as he steps forward, but is pushed back when Vlad comes into view.

"Adrik, Стоп."

Vlad turns to face me with an irritated look. "Don't provoke my men. They've done more damage than your words ever could."

I scoff at him and walk up the rest of the way. "He's on my land. If anything, he should fix his face when looking at me before I permanently rearrange it."

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