Chapter 11- Unnecessary Drama

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Its been three days since Jace had taken care of, talked, or even looked at me. Hell, its been five days since I've come in contact with him at all.

When he drove off that day after leaving me in front of the elementary school, I felt a bit...lost. I don't know how to explain it very well.

Its like I can't think straight...or think at all. Jaces words kept ringing through my head as if it was on repeat and I always seemed to be zoned out.

'Its scars that will heal, but bruises...bruises will fade.'

It still shocked me at how he didn't pressure me; he didn't stare at me; he just didn't...judge me. Like he knew how it felt to have your body scarred and what those scars mean to you.

I was planning to thank him again the day after that incident, but I barely saw him the whole day. In fact, I don't remember seeing him at all.

I mean, its not like I was looking for him.


Anyways, that whole day consisted of girls squealing about a few weeks (those girls being Cici and Rachel) and one boy whining about having to get fit in time.

Apparently, all that talk continued into today because here I am, sitting at our lunch table as they whine about dates and outfits, before giggling about getting drunk and whatnot.

"I swear, if Vinny Lee shows up in the same dress as me, I'm fighting," Cici warns us.

Rachel laughs at her face and continues to eat her burrito. "Cici, that happened once and it was the 8th grade. Let it go."

"No! Vinny always seems to be matching me with the same t-shirts, same jeans, same skirts- same everything and they all happen to be on the same days."

As soon as she's done talking, the main subject of her rant walks by our table with her two friends and, true to her words, Vinny was wearing the same exact shirt Cici had on.

Reese snickers behind a fist. "It could be coincidence. Y'all could just be long lost souls that think and love the same things."

Cici throws a chip at his head. "Are you kidding? Most of my clothes are ordered online, but I personally style my look. As you can see." She gestures to her outfit that actually looks really good on her.

She was wearing a soft peach, long-sleeved top that had a low cut v-neck which showcased her cleavage and the necklace that rested there. It was tucked into tight blue skinny jeans that led to light brown heeled boots. It went well with her messy bun and natural edges.

"All I can see is a hot mess," Reese jokes, earning a punch in the arm from a pouting Cici.

I giggle lightly at their antics and try focus on completing some homework that I know I don't be able to finish if I took it home. Rachel, Reese, and Cici continue talking about the ball as I sit and listen in every now and then.

At some point, I hear Reese announcing that he has an idea of who he wants to take. Apparently, that person doesn't go here, but at another school a town over. He reassures us he will introduce him when he gets the chance though.

I'm so lost in my work that I hadn't noticed the table had gone silent, or the cafeteria go silent either. Only when my sense of smell seems to catch onto a tint of cologne do I look up.

Reese hates wearing mens cologne and prefers the 'natural scent'. He believes you should only spray when you're going somewhere special. That's how I had known that smell didn't belong to him.

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