Chapter 12- Birthday (1/2)

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Picture of Cole above and the song for later.


"Would you like to meet the rest of my family?"

I can tell I had dropped a sort of bomb on her by the way her face froze and her breathing stopped. She just sat there, staring me in my eyes.

It gave me a chance to stare at her eyes. Her golden brown orbs seemed to look into my everything- mind, body, and soul- as if it was nothing. Since we were sitting by the windows, the sun was hitting her face just right. It made her skin glow, her hair shine, and her eyes burn like gold over fire.

"Breathe, baby," I whisper.

Malia blinks and seems to take in some air, leaning back in her booth. She redirects her eyes to the table, around the room, or anywhere else, but me.

My lips twitch at how adorable she looks. "So?"

"Hm?" She hums her question.

"Would you like to meet the rest of my family?" I repeat.

Her mouth opens and closes over and over again. "I..I'"

"Alright kids." Willow interrupts by putting our plates down in front of us.

Mine consisted of a plate of chili cheese fries, another plate of a ham sandwich with melted cheese, and one plate of a bacon burger with fresh avocado with a large sprite.

Don't judge me. I'm a growing boy.

Willow sets down Malia's cheeseburger and chocolate milkshake, earning a beautiful smile from her. Malia goes to take a bite, but stops when a plate of cheesecake is set down also.

She frowns and looks up at Willow. "I didn't order that."

Willow smiles softly. "I know." She gives her a soft pat on the cheek. "Its on the house."

Malia goes to argue. "Aunt Low, I-."

Willow doesn't give her time to say anything because she's already walking away.

I chuckle. "She does that. It's okay."

She shakes her head, looking as if she broke the law. "No. I need to pay for this."

"Don't worry. It's not like I'm letting you pay," I say, baffled that she'd even think she'd have to.

I may be a Mafia, but I'm also a gentleman. My brother made sure of that.

"No. I should be paying for my own meal, Jace. This isn't a date where you can pay for everything!"

I raise a brow. "It can be."

Her eyes go wide as they stare at me, her cheeseburger frozen in her hands. She doesn't say anything and neither do I.

I won't lie- I was only partly kidding. Because, lets be honest for a second here. Malia isn't the type of girl I usually go for. She isn't one of those girls I take to a motel for a fun night or sneak into the back guest house with.

If she was, I wouldn't take her to a nearby motel...but a five star hotel suite with the best service. I wouldn't sneak her into the back guest house, but into my room even if all we do is sleep and nothing more.

Yes. She'd be that girl for me.

"Uh...back to your...previous question first," she mutters, setting her food down instead of taking a bite.

I almost smile. "Fine." I take a sip of my drink and lean back. "If you don't want to, it's okay. I mean, I'd be slightly disappointed, but if your not comfortable-"

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