Chapter 20- Shootout

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Picture of Aaron's Birth mom above⬆️


"You're Aaron's birth mom."

Those four words made everything so awkward in seconds.

This lady standing at my front door looks nothing like a woman who wants her son back. But she did look like Aaron a bit.

She gives a small smile, looking uncertain. "Hello. I'm Danica Davidson."

Malia walks over. "How did you find us? This isn't our foster parents house. How could you have known where we were?"

I let Malia stand directly in front of this woman, but stay close enough behind to both give her comfort and protection if needed.

We were definitely going to have a talk about our kiss that night and what I wanted, but right now, I just want to be here for her.

I can already tell this is about to get intense.

"I-I called the foster care center and they told me that your current foster parent has gone missing. They said the police had put it on record that you were staying with a boy-"

"Boy?!" I question out loud.

How dare those motherfu-

"-named Jace Montgomery and I followed the address here. If I'm being honest, I saw the guards out front and almost didn't believe y'all were here." She gives out a small, forced laugh. One that Malia and I don't join in on.

Malia didn't move. "What are you doing here?"

Her smile falters before returning. "I'm here to get my so-"

"No." Malia turns to walk away.

"Wait!" Danica calls out. "Please."

Malia stops, but refuses to turn.

"I want...I would really like to meet him," Danica says. She gives a small shrug and a laugh. "I mean, I am his mother after all."

"No!" Malia turns quickly, her expression filled with rage. "You don't get to call yourself that. Where were you when he felt alone? Where were you when he cried himself to sleep? When he had to suffer beatings. When he started to believe he was worthless because he was called that everyday. When he had to go days without eating. Huh?! WHERE WERE YOU?!"

Danica stood, still outside on my front porch, with tears in her eyes. The words that Malia threw at her hitting hard.

"I-I never-." Danica let's out a breath before continuing. "I never wanted that for him. If I had known-"

"If you had known?!" Malia let's out a rough laugh. "What do you think foster kids go through in the system? Do you think it's all Sunshine's and rainbows? That we have happily ever afters? No. You knew."

"Malia, take it easy. She's still Aaron's-"

"Shut up, Jace," Malia barks.

Deciding that it'd be best to not interfere, I give Danica a 'I tried, but your on your own' look before stepping away.

"You gave him up. You had the sweetest child in the world and you gave him up. For what?" Malia crosses her arms and narrows her eyes. "What'd you give him up for?"

Danica wipes a finger under eye and fixes her stance. "Thats none of your business. All you need to know is that I'm here now. I want my son back and I'm going to get him. I won't let you talk to me like this. Yes, he may have gone through things in the past, but I'm here now. That's all that matters."

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