Chapter 9- Care For Me

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Picture of Reese above
(Shawn will be gay in this story)


"Dave, I'm-"

My head is sent to the floor once again by the blow he sends. A ringing in my ear causes a full on headache that hits me full force. My lip is cut and bleeding; and I think the blood on my forehead is coming from my hair? I honestly don't know anymore.

Aaron and I, unfortunately, hadn't made it home on time. We were to be back before ten because that's when Dave had said he would be home by. When we had left Jaces house- more like Mansion- it had been 9:30. Since his house was more on the rich side of the neighborhood, Aaron and I had to walk/run ten blocks just to get home.

By then it was 10:15. I had thought Dave would be late since he always was. But our luck had not been kind to us.

His truck was parked in the driveway and bottles of beer littered our dead grass. I made a mental note to clean it later as I ushered Aaron towards The door.

As soon as I was in, and the door had been shut from the outside world, my hair was roughly grabbed until I landed on the floor.

Aaron screamed and was about to charge for me, but stopped when I raised a hand and yelled for him to go upstairs as Dave started to drag me into the kitchen. I needed to be strong and the tears on his face weren't helping.

After he had gone upstairs, I noticed Dave had put the stereo on and was blasting it at its loudest. He probably didn't want the neighbors to hear. But who cares? No matter how loud or how long I screamed during times like these, no one came.

No one ever comes.

"I'm sor-"

"Shut up, you piece of shit!" he yells, his boot coming up to stomp on my arm.

I screamed at the feeling of bones breaking. He swung once more at my face, my body completely flat against the tiles now.

I laid there and cried silently at the pain as he stepped over me. The sound of metal scraping had me looking, only to see that he had grabbed a kitchen knife from the counter.

My eyes widened as I tried to crawl away. "No.."

His eyes twinkled with something...insane. "Stay still, bitch."

Whimpers escaped my mouth as I tried to crawl to the door. He seemed to be mocking me as he let me crawl a few feet before he turned me around roughly.

"No!" I shouted...and I shouted...and I shouted.

But he didn't stop as he ran the tip of the blade on my thighs, cutting my jeans in the process. He didn't stop as the blood made a puddle on the floor. He didn't stop, but continued laughing as I continued screaming.

And you know what happened?

No one came.


It was lunch time and I was feeling like I was going to die.

I had on a black jacket with my right arm hanging in a makeshift cast by a long sleeved t-shirt inside. The jeans I had on had a black bandana that was wrapped around the thigh Dave had cut up.

It never stopped bleeding so I had to cover it. It stings when I put pressure on it, so I've been trying to limp discreetly.

My left eye was bruised and my lip had a few cuts, so I put a low hat on and put my hoodie up. Thankfully, it shadowed my face just enough. My head was throbbing mostly because my head had hit the floor one too many times which caused the bleeding.

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