Chapter 25- Rescue?

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"I'm sorry, it sounded like you asked if I wanted to be your...Mafia's leader?" My eyes were wide as I stared at him in shock.

Did he just say...wait this is a Mafia?

He nods. "I know it's a lot to process." I slide my hand out of his and stand, staring at the ground as I pace the room. "The business was supposed to go to your father. I had been training him to take over, but after what happened, I'd been looking for someone else to fill my place."

I could feel a headache coming on so I reach up to squeeze my temples as I turn to him. "Why- so you bring me here, out of nowhere, because you suddenly decided 'Hey, let's ask my granddaughter, who has no idea I even existed, if she wanted to take over my business which so happens to be a dangerous killing Mafia and hope to god she says yes.' Sound about right?"

He shakes his head at me and stands. "I didn't want to bring you into any of this. I know this world isn't fit for someone as pure as you. Hell, I tried to keep your mother out of it, but she was sure that your father was fit to lead. And she was right." I shake my head and turn away from him to stare at the picture on the market once more. "I look at you and I see the fire in your eyes. The same fire your father had. You are their child. And if you choose it, this could all be yours. It has been since birth."

I sigh and close my eyes. Was I really considering this? What about Aaron? Accepting this would mean I'd bring him into this life with me. Unless his mother takes him from me.

My fists clench at my sides just thinking about it. Aaron being taken away from me by an unfit mother who would take him god knows where. I couldn't let her do that. Maybe this...'mafia' thing could help?

"If you do not choose this life," he continues, "then I will not force you. You're mother always believed we had a choice. What kind of father would I be if I didn't let her only child have that right." I hear the floorboards creak and I turn to see him walk out the door.

From the window, I watch as he sits on the porch swing, staring out at the forest. He look's content. Almost like he's No reason to be alive. Just...a presence on this world that's ready for his adventure in the next.

I take a deep breath and fall back onto the couch. I stare up at the ceiling as I contemplate my choices.

I knew nothing about this life. Just weeks ago, I was being beaten and abused to the point where I was waiting to die. How does he expect me to lead a...a mafia. The word sounded foreign to me even in my own head.

What the hell do I know about mafia's besides what I've read in books and seen on tv. I still can't process the fact that this is real...this is actually happening.

My grandfather is alive, for one, and he's asking me to take his position. One that comes with a lot of responsibility and danger. Excuse me if I'm having a hard time coping with it, but he can't be serious. I'm a senior in high school. I had plans to go to college and take care of Aaron. How can I lead a mafia and live my life?

I stand and head outside. He's still sitting on the porch swing as he pulls out a cigar, lights it, and leans back with his arms crossed. I lean against the wooden railing and breathe in the fresh nature air.

Two men in black suits stand behind me on the front steps leading up to the house. In the distance, I can spot another one behind a tree with his back toward the house. I had no doubt there were more around, but I couldn't pinpoint them.

I sigh and glance at Rex, a cloud of smoke around his face. "Those are gonna kill you faster, you know."

He chuckles and smiles up at me. "Trust me, chickpea, I've lived a life that was more than fulfilling." And yet, he turns to put it out anyways. I feel my nose twitch from the smell as he sits up straight, fixing his tired eyes on me. "Have you made a decision?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11 ⏰

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