Attorney Parker

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Attorney Parker
I have an appointment with Anastasia Steele she has to bring all the children with her and she has somehow gotten the death certificates before I have and has contacted all the insurance companies about her parents deaths. I have all her parents accounts before me and their assets and safe deposit box keys. She looks everything over and notices something is wrong and wants an audit ran on her parents accounts by an independent auditor. I am nervous now, she caught me with my hand in the cookie jar. I look over at her and she calls someone and a knock comes and I ask them to enter. The person is a policeman and an auditor who has already went through and found out that I tried to swindle miss Steele and her siblings out of ten million dollars. That amount of money gets noticed when it is transferred out if an account. It got flagged and the transfer was cancelled. I am arrested on the spot and her files are transferred to an attorney in Seattle. One who has a stellar reputation. The auditor has found a lot of money being skimmed by me from all my clients.
I can't believe this guy, he is supposed to uphold the law, but he broke it and took money from orphans. We get my parents ashes and I call dads friend. Jason Taylor. I call from a burner phone and he answers and I tell him exactly what dad said to tell him. I have explained that my parents attorney was found stealing from my parents accounts and I need an attorney in Seattle. He gives me Carrick Grey's number. I call and explain everything and tell him as much as I can. I schedule an appointment and then call the CPO dad hired. Lewis said he is outside waiting for me, when I am done at the attorneys office. We get all our files with his assistants help. I explain that the police have a warrant to search for any and all records concerning my parents and all of us. Trust funds were set up as well. He failed to show me those as well. After hearing this all his clients will order an audit as well. His safe was open and this guy had my moms jewelry in it along with my dads coin collections. My parents had listed all their assets. He had a forged power of attorney with my name on it. I grabbed it and said this is evidence and I don't want him to have it. He was trying to leave me without a penny. Six children and he was willing to take everything and leaves us to live on the streets. He didn't have time to get the money out of the country so every dime was given back to us. I checked everything afterward. Susan and Raymond are helping me go through everything to make sure it is correct. After getting everything back we closed the accounts and opened new ones.
I go through everything Anastasia sent me and have an audit of everything as well. I found out that mr Parker bought his house and two cars with her parents funds. I freeze all his assets after we get everything transferred back and close the accounts and place them in the most recent Seattle accounts she came up and personally opened up. I had a forensic auditor go through every dime on every account this guy had. I finally meet Anastasia at my home which isn't far from the newly built home on a new development property. The security there is tight and they are waiting for the furniture from their old home to be delivered. They are staying in a nice hotel until they can move into the house safely. Her parents were killed in a car wreck. She is having to bring her siblings and I would prefer not to have them at my office building. So I am having the staff watch the youngest children, while we discuss everything and they are needing to get done. The attorney couldn't make bail, because after Anastasia got all her funds and property back, he had little left when everything snowballed. His clients started freezing his assets, luckily Anastasia had smart parents and she was smart as well. The power of attorney was revoked. But it was part of the evidence against him. The cars and homes he bought with the Steele estate were signed over to the Steele family. Ray and Carla bought the property in Seattle without the attorney knowing anything they hired CPOS and mannies and other staff to make sure the six were safe and had a place to live.
I walk in and am led to the study by a very pretty maid. Susan, Robert, and I followed Anastasia and Mr Grey to his study. He already has a huge stack of files on his desk all have our names on them. He explains everything we need to know about.
I just sit and listen to them, and have no idea what they are talking about. Mr Grey and Anastasia show me my trust fund totals and my share of the assets along with what I own part of. They tell me I will understand when it comes time to.
I know about trust funds and things like this, because two of my friends have trust funds and property being held. I look at my folder and ask questions and they explain everything to me about what we have as joint assets and all monetary assets will be placed into a joint household account. All expenses will be taken out of that account and once all of reach the age to get our trust funds, the household accounts will be reevaluated homes will be as well. We will end up in good shape as it is.
I ask if we can buy cars for Robert and Susan when they get their drivers licenses? If that can be taken from the household account. I explain that they can run errands and run the younger children places.
You do know you have staff for that right?
I know, but they want their drivers licensees and I am trying to instill responsibility into them. He tells me to make sure the staff knows that I am their boss and if anyone tries to bully me to fire them and find someone new with help from Jason Taylor. Jason is supposed to meet us at the house to help us establish that I am the boss.

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