Andrew's New Father

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During all the time I was attending college, Andrew was growing and having fun. Mom took him to play dates and she kept trying to set me up with a young widow who had a baby girl and boy the same age as Andrew. He worked as an IT head at GEH. I met him and his pregnant wife at the Christmas party not long before we both gave birth. She had complications and died before her little girl and boy had to be delivered immediately by Caesarean. Barney Miller is a nice man and still grieving the loss of his wife, mom invited him over and we had a nice time. He and I have similar interests and I like having him and Ginny (his wife's name) Sue Miller and Oscar Dallas Miller play well with one another. He takes very good care of his twins. Christian and my mother are really pushing us together. Finally Barney asked them to stop and they did. Anastasia has a word as well. She told them that we would start resenting being pushed together. She was right, we finally took a break and we started missing each other. I got my degree and I work from home now and Barney comes over without mom and Christian intervening.
Christian and I finally got the good news we are pregnant finally and we are very happy. We now have an nearly empty house. The nursery will be next to our bedroom. Christian and I turned the trust back over to my parents finally. My trust was used to buy the home we live in now. Christian actually paid for it and my trust was left alone. Mom and dad gave Robert his trust and Susan hers. They held off on the other three. Raymond Jr was another matter. He unfortunately has friends who think he should buy them things on a regular basis. His girlfriend is not really good for him, she cheats on him regularly. She has wrecked two of his cars and thinks he should fly them wherever she wants to go on the GEH. He put his foot down and she stopped speaking to him until she ran out of money. We all stopped giving him money for superfluous expenditures. He then found out who his true friends were. He was hurt and his girlfriend found greened pastures.
Raymond Jr.
Felicity showed up to the airport while I getting ready for a flight to Texas. Christian and Anastasia were already sitting in their seats on the plane the CPOs were already on board when I did a secondary check of the jets wheels. Somehow she got onto the tarmac with a friends help. I was walking up the stairs to board the plane and she followed me on board.
Felicity Jones
I am pregnant and I only know one person who will help me out and that is Raymond Jr. I was able to get onto the tarmac and climbed the stairs to the plane. I have to talk to Raymond Jr. I need his help. I don't know who the father of my baby is and need help. My parents are very mad and I have been staying with friends and they are getting tired of me living off them.
Why are you here Felicity?
Raymond Jr.
You need to leave we have to take off. She looks like she is about to give birth.
I need your help. No one will help me.
Raymond Jr.
We can talk when I get back.
I don't have a place to stay, my family and friends have turned their backs on me.
Raymond Jr.
Like you and my friends turned their backs on me when you couldn't take advantage of me. I am still waiting for you to replace my cars.
Pleas help me, no one will hire me at six months along.
We need to take off before we lose our spot. Just put her up by the CPO's and go close the doors. She wants to chat then we will all chat with her.
Raymond Jr.
I close the door and head to seat her and have her buckle in and go to the cockpit and sit down and buckle in. Stephen Goodwin the pilot asks me if the baby is mine? I tell him it couldn't be, I never had sex with her.
Stephen Goodwin
Then why is she here? Where is the father at?
Raymond Jr.
Don't know and don't care. I have a nice girlfriend now. Anastasia introduced us, she us her assistant Hannah Donaldson. We have been dating for seven months now. I have to talk with her while we are in Texas. I had other plans down there, but this changes everything.
Don't allow her to manipulate you into anything she made her bed and she needs to learn how to make it. Don't open your wallet to her again. I know a gold digger and she is using you again. That baby needs a better parent than her. A roof over her head doesn't have to be an expensive one if you help her out.
Felicity whose baby is that? And don't say it's Raymond Jrs. I know better.
How do you know better?
We have our resources and we know where you were and who you were with after he broke it off with you. Plus DNA will prove he isn't. You see I had to show Raymond Jr. all about you and how you were using him, by the way we are suing your boyfriends for the wrecks of the cars you took and allowed them use of them. Felicity we knew every move you made and every guy you were with and the day Raymond broke up with you. There is no way that baby could be his.
What are you after Felicity? He is getting married and he is bringing his fiancé's parents back with him from Texas. Hannah knows all about you, so don't try to break them up. The plane lifts off very smoothly. Raymond Jr. is an excellent pilot and will be our back up pilot. I grub our baby bump and whisper I love you and our baby.
She kisses me and tells me she loves me and our baby.

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