A Day For Fun

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Everything has been going smoothly and Anastasia has finally got her degree and her helicopter operators license. Robert got his as well. Lisa and him are in college now, they had Roberts things moved over to their new home. I think they are having fun with Lisa's parents living with them. We actually went to a housewarming party and it was pretty fun. Kate and Elliott are having fun with a very vocal Ava. Anastasia loves playing with Ava. She has been hired to translate for a company and works from home for now. She has flown my helicopter a few times. Robert has as well. I might have to buy another one just for my use.
Christian is a very generous person in allowing Robert and I fly his helicopter and his plane when has his own pilot. His pilot still comes on any flights and we just get our flight hours in. Susan has gotten a pilots job and so has Robert. He is on call when he doesn't have classes. Susan is taking college courses as well. Raymond Jr is going to start taking flying lessons soon. He just passed his driving lessons. Mom and dad are coming over to see us and us taking Allison, Carl and if they can they take Raymond Jr with them 2hen he is available. They are looking forward to being grandparents. Jacob and his parents had the DNA tests done and not that we were surprised but Jacob is 5he father and we are going to take him to court for child support. I think he will sign his rights away before he pays a dime.  He is a father of four children and two paid him to stay away. We spoke to them and Carrick helped them get the money back and filed a restraining order against him. Two are still trying to get him to pay support. No telling how many children he has. We forced the issue and he finally signed away his rights to Susan's baby. She is about to give birth.
I am eating everything in sight and Anastasia took me to buy maternity clothing. The nursery is finished and we are getting everything ready for the baby.the DNA testing will be done only if the Richardson's pay for it. I feel like if the jerk wants to see his baby he will get the test done. He will pay for it to get done. Once he gets it done and tries to get visitation rights and we will file for child support the same time. I can no longer drive my sports car, we are shopping for a car so I can have a place to sit the car seat and a storage for the stroller and diaper bag along with a portable napper for the baby. So I ended up with a mini van, I kept my sports car for when I don't have the baby with me. I am being pampered by everyone around me. My cravings are weird but they have what I am craving on hand. Grace comes over to check on me at times. Dr Greene who did a great job of delivering Ava is my OB/GYN. I guess she is also Anastasia's GYN.
No news is good news as far as Jacob and his family is concerned, if we don't hear from him or the courts we are home free. I have told Susan not to allow him to know anything about when the baby is due and no one is to tell him when the baby is born. We have to make sure he doesn't try to get his name on the birth certificate without the DNA testing. I personally think we need to make sure he isn't anywhere near the hospital when the baby and the birth certificate is filled out.
Raymond Sr.
I am going to be taking Susan to the hospital along with Carla. She is staying with us until she has the baby. I plan on making sure Jacob doesn't get any place near Susan and the baby and so is her CPO. We can't allow him to put his name on the birth certificate as the father. If he does that he will be able to get visitation rights, but only after taking Susan to court to get them.
Finally we are taking Susan to the hospital to have her baby. Grace is going to assure the birth certificate list father as unknown. If Jacob wants his name on it he will have to fight for it.
I go in to labor at seven pm and the baby is finally born at five am and we pulled it off ty3 birth certificate says father unknown. My son is six pounds of determination, he definitely is no wallflower about his needs being met. Anastasia, mom, dad, Christian and his parents are here to assure the birth certificate gets filled out how I want it to be. I now have a CPO for me and the baby. His name is Andrew Phillip Steele. I had teachers that were really good to us students and I decided to name my first son after two of them. Mom and dad are holding the baby when the birth certificate arrives with Grace and Carrick. It is filled out by me very quickly and taken back to file it with birth records.

A day later Jacob tries to get in to see his son and the manny and the nurse stop him from entering  the nursery. Luckily he was taken to be circumcised. His parents tried to get into my room and my CPO stopped them both along with my father and mother. Security escorted them out of the hospital.
The Richardson's are threatening to try for full custody of your son. I think they are hoping to sue for child support themselves. I am starting to wonder about these people even more. I think we need to have the police investigate them.

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