Wedding Receptions

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I can't believe I have two daughter in laws the news knew before I did. Carrick said he didn't care as long as they stay married and happily married. He has his doubts about it, but he will never question them about eloping, after all the paparazzi showed up all of the places they might be at.
Mia and Tia will not be happy about not being in the weddings. Mia and Tia insist on organizing the receptions for their brothers and their new sister in laws.
I have told Christian and Elliott they are getting a wedding reception if they like it or not. We have invited friends and the whole family is coming. The Kavanaghs, the Steele siblings and fiancé and boyfriend. The Taylor's are coming as well. Guest lists are growing larger by the day.
Mia and I keep getting into major discussions about what day, time and food we want to serve. Not everyone is old enough to drink. Christian said they can have a few people assuring no minors get drunk or even get alcohol.
A week later we have invited everyone who we should. Grandma and Grandpa Trevelyan and dads parents are coming of course.
I finally get to celebrate my grandsons marriages. Now I am hoping for great grandchildren.
I think it is too soon for great grandchildren, but not according to Maddie or Deidre Grey. Louis Grey is with me on it being too soon for great grandchildren.
Deidre Grey
Carrick thinks the boys should enjoy married life a bit longer before they have children. Little does he know Enid Kavanagh told me Kate was pregnant with his grandchild. She isn't happy about Kate being pregnant, but she loves Elliott as her son in law. She hopes Ethan finds someone nice soon.
Louis Grey
I truly hate parties but this one is at a nice house that is fairly new and was specially built. So the party is being held at the Steele home. I have heard things about that house and the very special attention they took to build it. The designs were kept under wraps and certain measure were taken for security and safety for the residents of the place. I have never met the couple who bought the property and had the construction done by several different contractors and all had to sign NDA's. Everything was carefully sent for approval one step at a time.
Someone was very smart and made sure not all the designs were found in the same files. I thought I saw the couple a few times, but wasn't sure if it was the owner or not.
Night of the party
Stella says Mia and Tia are driving the staff crazy and she keeps telling them everything is ready to go. We head down finally to check on things before we start welcoming friends and family. Christian invited co workers and their spouses to the receptions. Roz and I have met, she is bringing her wife and children. His IT guy is coming as well and a couple of others.
I hope this reception goes quickly, but I know it won't and staff have complained about Mia and Tia's dictatorship type behavior. I finally had to speak to them to respect the workers and staff, because they are people Anastasia trusts and some are full time staff. She keeps certain caterers and wait staff for these occasions and gave Mia and Tia their direct numbers. Now I wished she hadn't did that. Several threatened to quit and never work for Anastasia if Mia and Tia didn't start respecting staff members and them as well.
I can't believe how many people are here, Mia and Tia invited more people than was in the list we gave her. Kate is mad about who has been invited. An ex of mine somehow found a way onto the invite list. Leila Williams is crazy. She is obsessed with Christian and I and is stalking both of us. I had no idea she was following both me and Christian for a long time and I asked her out once and she went. I dated her for a month and Taylor advised me to end things with her due to following me and Christian and proceed3d to show me the footage of her doing exactly that.
Leila somehow got an invitation to our wedding reception, I know all about her and think they should have a restraining order against that. We have a lot of security around.
I went into Roberts room and took his guns and went to the safe in the study and lifted the secretary's panel inside and placed the guns inside it and looked inside to make sure the guns were actually there in the cases. Once I verified they were there I placed them inside and locked the safe. I texted Robert and let him know I put his guns in the safe and locked them in the hidden compartment.
I check out the house and didn't notice a couple looking at me from a viewpoint above me. I look up and see a couple of paintings on the ceiling. But something caught my eye, but unsure what it was.
Unknown female
I can't fathom how she got on the list to be invited. Let's just keep an eye on her for now. The mustache and beard go well with the wig and the glasses.
Unknown male
I like the red hair and the pregnancy bump. If we didn't have six children already and can't be with them another one would be great to have.
Unknown female
Not in your wildest dream. Let's go fit in maybe in three months after they handle everything right we can raise our kids once again. I hate missing my child's wedding. Maybe we can make Roberts wedding though.
Unknown Male
Susan has been hiding her boyfriend from Anastasia and her siblings. It is a good thing her CPO has undercover son her and found out who she is dating. I am worried about her dating that pilot she met. Jacob is taking advantage of her and soon will show his true colors and leave her like the other women before Susan.

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