Jacob Richardson

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Charles Richardson
The doorbell rings and I am stunned to see Susan Steele with her sister Anastasia along with Christian and Carrick Grey. They have bodyguards with them. Carrick asks if they can talk to Jacob about a legal matter. I ask him what it is concerning and he says it is up to Jacob if he wants me to know about it.
Marsha Richardson
I listen and hear part of the conversation between Carrick and Charles about wanting to discuss a legal issue with Jacob. This doesn't sound good at all. Charles goes and gets Jacob to join us in the family room.
I am asked to join dad and mom in the family room. Susan has arrived at my home with Carrick, Anastasia and Christian Grey and bodyguards.  My parents were beside themselves and called me down to talk to them. Carrick asks me if I want my parents present for what he wants me to sign. I am sure it is about Susan being pregnant. There is no doubt it is my child. But hey not going to take responsibility of it anyway. I told her to get an abortion, so I don't know why she is here with an attorney.
He gives me permission to talk to him about 5he pregnancy and we would like him to sign away his rights to the baby and hand him the documents. His mother gasps and says you knew she is pregnant and didn't tell us? I explain the documents to him and tell him after he signs them and they are witnessed by me and two others he no longer is responsible financially or otherwise for the baby. He also has no rights to the child.
It isn't my child anyway. So why the need to sign the documents. I figure if I don't sign them I can ask for money to stay away from them and just get a lot of money. After all both aunt and uncle are wealthy. A knock comes to the door. Dad goes to answer it. In a minute he walks back with Susan's mother and father.
I introduce myself to the Richardson and so does Carla. I look at Jacob and know exactly what he is thinking. Carrick he thinks he will get cash to stay away from the baby, can you explain to him that he will be sued for child support. DNA will definitely prove he is the father.
If you are thinking that you get money to stay away from the baby you are really a horrible human being. If you don't sign these documents you will be going to court to get a DNA before the baby is born and we will sue you for whatever we can get from you. I always win in these cases so you have five minutes to decide. You decide and by the way you or your family can't see the child either.
He already said he isn't the father of the baby, signing the documents means nothing at all in that case.
If that is the case he would have already signed them. He is definitely think he can parlay this baby into a small fortune in his pocket as mr Steele has stated. Either way he will show his hand. A judge will look at it differently and we will record him blackmailing for cash as basically criminal and possible human trafficking. Are there any other wealthy young ladies that you are doing this to?
I can find that out very easily and if that is the case charges will be made. We are done here if he doesn't sign the papers we will look into things from here.
You have five minutes to sign the papers, then we leave.
Five minutes later Jacob refuses to sign the documents.
We leave and leave the documents with them. Let him explain it to his parents, because we think there are a few things he hasn't been telling them. One is how he has a nice bank account.
I call my resources to get information on Jacob Richardson and his ex girlfriends and if they had babies. His bank account is fairly good size for someone who attends college. Deposits were being made without knowing where they came from. They were cash deposits. I definitely will be sure we catch this guy in a web of his own design.
So what now?
We will get the DNA testing done. He won't be able to get near Susan again after we file a restraining order. We won't have to do much we will allow him to go to court to order the DNA testing. He won't though and it because he will have to pay child support. Plus I think you will find there are others that have his children.
Susan think about who he went out with and who he is going out with now. Check his internet, you might find out things. Ask classmates they might know and dislike him enough to want to out him on his bad behaviors. Right now you just take care of you and the baby. We will always be here for you.
We already told you to have everything in her room moved to the first floor and create a nursery next to her. It will be far easier to do it now early in the pregnancy. We are preparing for her keeping her baby.
I am, let's get everything moved and start working on the nursery. I will follow everything that you guys have regarding the Richardson's. As long as I don't have to see him or hear from him ever again.
We are going to try for that, if he doesn't want to follow what we want we will make sure he pays child support and him visiting the baby will include a manny with the baby. Considering your brother in law is a billionaire and your family is wealthy as well.

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