Richardson Family Make Headlines

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Seattle Kavanagh Media
Today at Seattle Grace Hospital a Family by the name of Richardson tried to kidnap a baby from the nursery and then from the mother's room. They were stopped and all three arrested. There is more to this story and we are going to get as much as we are allowed to print. The family of the baby is willing to give us information on the family who tried this as long as we don't mention their names or the baby and it's mother. More news as it becomes available.
How did they get this story?
Unfortunately Kate is a news reporter, but she didn't have anything to do with them getting this story. But she had something to do with preventing your family being mentioned. People noticed the arrest at the hospital and got the names of the Richardson's, but couldn't get the baby's name or yours because of HIPPA rules.
We are going to discharge you and Andrew, your father has it all set up for your escape.
The news people are just waiting for a newborn baby and the mother to leave the hospital. We have a plan in place to get you and Andrew out of here. A friend is going to be a decoy with a fake baby. You will be taken out by the loading dock. Everything is ready to go this afternoon.
Are you ready to go?
Yes but how are we going to get free of here?
We are taking the baby out in a stroller through the pediatric ward and offices. Then you are going to wear this laundry uniform and go out via the laundry truck. Your mom will be strolling out with Andrew. You will be living with us for a while. Everything is ready for you and Andrew. I know you want to be living with your siblings, but they will visit you for now.
Three hours later we are settled in my mother and father's home. Anastasia made sure I had everything for school. I have to walk pretty quickly and push a laundry cart to the laundry van. My CPO is waiting in the van along with my dad. He is wearing his gun and so is my CPO. Mom is already clear of the hospital and headed home. The baby and my family are the best things to come out of this experience.
Ahh the cloak and dagger of it all, don't miss this, but I am protecting my daughter and grandson from being in the public eye. I hope they give the Richardson's a lot of time. We are going to release certain information that will definitely add more time to all three of their sentences. Anastasia couldn't do this because her face is well known, mine isn't. So I am strolling my grandson out of the pediatric ward and office to the waiting car. Carrick has gotten in touch with the four other girls who Jacob got pregnant. The four we know about that is. Raymond thinks we are missing something. He usually is right in the mark about this.
I get a call and Carrick and Raymond has an idea on a follow up of the story on the Richardson's. They have irrefutable evidence of the Richardson's illegal activities where their son and the girls he impregnated and them being involved in getting cash to keep them away from his children. The Richardson's are trying to use the fact that Jacob is the father of the baby and they were keeping him from being there for him. The DA told them all they went about it in the wrong way. They could have gotten the DNA testing done and then sued for visitation rights. I can't print the rest of that because it could change the outcome of their trials. They had others come forward regarding what the Richardson's pulled on his other so called girlfriends and money changed hands to keep him from seeing the children he had with them. They kept proof of it in case they could get him charged for a crime and now they can. Talk about horrible people, he set out to get money from these girls and their families so they could get rid of him. Susan had all kinds of support before and even now and he knew if he pressed for money he would lose. She told him he would have to pay for the DNA testing and she would ask for child support. Of course she would finish her college degree and he would have to fully support the baby. Plus he would have four more to support after she was done. His visitation would be fully monitored by a manny and a CPO. I got the story from Susan and she limited me to not giving her name out. I now had to figure out how to handle it all without getting Kavanagh Media sued. I finally found a way and it brought more people out of the woodwork regarding the Richardson's and their behavior. They had targeted Susan after they found out her brother in law was a billionaire. It came out in the trial. Dad looked over my notes and so did legal and we came up with a few things to use and I did. I used the information that was and will be in the court transcripts and as such public records.
I read the story Kate wrote and it was well written without giving out the victims names. She had to have help in creating 5his story and she did her due diligence and sat in on the case as it progressed. The more the papers said the more other victims of their came forward. They were truly busy finding the right victims, they found the one victim who took them all down. Susan asked for help and got it before she fell into their trap.

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