Unknown Watches

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I watch as Robert is dressed nicely and his CPO and him leave the property. Anastasia waves good bye to him. He is nervous. We have missed so much of their lives. Anastasia has been there for them and not once did she complain. It was like she knew it was her job or her responsibility to love and guide her siblings and they knew to go to her for their emotional and physical pain they felt. They were soothed by her and guided by her. We just signed legal documents until her 18th birthday then we gave her power of attorney to do things in our absence. We planned ahead on the house because we had no choice and we wanted them far from Tacoma and guarded. I finally get fives minutes to watch our family. I learned about Jose Rodriguez and what he tried with Anastasia and I wanted him to learn a lesson, but someone beat us to it. Nothing like getting information that others don't have access to. Our attorney is living in a tiny efficiency apartment now. He made restitution to all his clients in full. But he is still holding out on our safe contents and a few other assets, he is on a no fly list now. We are close to getting the rest back thanks to Carrick Grey.
I still have this feeling of being watched, and it is more than one source. I hope after viewing the campus videos Jose wasn't the only one watching me on campus. I caught a female and another male looking at what happened. He had what looked like a CPO with him and he didn't look like a student. He clothing was too expensive for him to be anything but a possible benefactor of the college. He definitely caught more than my eye. The girls and women and some of the males all stopped to check him out.
I found a new place near the campus that served more than sandwiches. Food For Thought, it serves a nice variety and at all times.
Mia and I made it to Food For Thought and I notice the tiny brunette sitting all alone looking at the menu and a woman keeping an eye on her. Mia's CPO goes and sits with the woman. They seem to know each other. Both are keeping an eye on Mia and the Brunette. I tell Mia we should ask if we can sit with her.
Kate and I go and ask if we can sit with the Brunette. When I introduce myself she asks me if I am related to Carrick Grey?
I was amazed at finding out Carrick's daughter is sitting beside me. She asks me how I know her dad and I tell her he is my attorney. I look up and a twin of Mia heads to our table with yet another CPO.
Tia walks in and sits down at our table and makes her introductions to Anastasia Steele. We arrange to go over to her home soon. She lives close to the Grey family home. Mia and Tia have wanted to find out who lived in the home with all the security around it. I did as well.
I try to get Anastasia to open up, but she is very closed mouth about herself and her family. Which she is one of six children. She doesn't talk about her parents or what they do.
I think I know something about the Steele family and Anastasia is raising her siblings on her own. I heard things from friends who go to school with three of the Steeles and Anastasia is who they call to meet the principal or teachers. She pays the kids school fees in person. She makes a special trip to pay all the kids fees. Not one of the kids gets into trouble, they are an enigma. Robert is a senior and he drives his own car and all three I know Lisa Devereaux is going out with him. She said he is unlike the other guys in high school. He is more grown up than according to her.
For some reason Anastasia doesn't talk about her parents at all. She keeps quiet. A woman comes rushing in and whispers to Anastasia. She excuses herself and her and the two other women head out after she drops a hundred dollars on the table and rushes off.
Stella comes rushing in and whispers we need to get you home right now. I jump up and tell everyone good bye and pay for all our meals and leave the tip as well.
I got a text giving me the code for come rescue me from these teenage college students so I do. I whisper one word hi. Then tell her we have to go now for the girls sake.
We get outside and we head home and I thank Stella. Have to admire an assistant who saves you from invasive queries about yourself and your family. I bump into the gorgeous man I saw in the videos. I apologize and I see Taylor and we speak for a moment and I invite him, his wife and children back over for a bbq this weekend if he is available.
Gail will love it the kids were asking about coming to play with Carl and Allison. Sarah and Stella say hello to me and ask Gail to call them and set things up. They keep Anastasia on a tight schedule for now.
I introduce myself after everyone talks about a bbq and ask if I am invited as well to make up for bumping into me.
Are you Carrick Grey's son? He says yes, which means he is related to Mia and Tia and he is there brother. Sure Taylor can give you the time, date and location. Still have the codes Taylor?
Yes I do and thank you for letting my children play over there.
Any time, sorry I was busy the last time you came over, but we are still working on finding the last parts of the estate. We are close though.

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