College Bound

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Now that I am in college the staff are pretty much handling most of the duties at the house along with making sure everyone is safe, including me. Apparently my parents left directives on keeping us safe and making sure everything runs smoothly. I hope I am doing right by my siblings. I am glad three of us have gotten our pilots license. But we now have to make sure we keep up on flying. I have decided to look into different kind of courses that will expand on my pilots license. I enjoy different languages and might see about becoming a translator. Various courses in literature. Who knows I might become a writer.
I have to have my CPO with me at school, but he makes sure he keeps a low profile.
Shelly definitely sticks out like a sore thumb and people ask me why I need a CPO. When they found out Robert and Raymond had them as well and are my brothers. They started asking more questions that I didn't have any answers. I just tell them my sister didn't hire them, my parents did before they were killed in a car crash. Before we moved to Seattle from Tacoma. We brought our parents ashes to Seattle with us. Anastasia had them create a photo with both them and date of death. It has photos on all four sides and the ashes are in two containers in the center. It sits on the fireplace mantel in the family room.
I finally get to the front of the line at registration, I notice a guy talking to Sarah and they are both looking in my direction. She looks wealthy and dresses in designer clothing. Another girl joins her and they start chattering away. I grab the language and literature books for my courses this period of time. I finally get my books and my schedule and head out for lunch and to get my school ID.
I see Mia and head over to talk to her, we are behind a very short girl and she has the books I need. I check and she has also books on learning different languages. I check and things are different than mine. Some look like advanced courses. I whisper to Mia to check out the books the girl in front of us has.
Hmm looks like she might be learning to become a translator. Suddenly the girl turns around and says why don't you just ask me rather than whisper about it. Kate and I must look stunned because she just smiles and walks to the counter and gets all her course schedules for the fall semester and waves at us as she and the woman that was talking to Sawyer follows the girl out. After I am done I ask Sawyer who the girl is that was in front of me. He says all he knows is that she is Miss Steele and new to Seattle by about three months.
I ask Mia to wait for me and we can go get some food. We head out and she tells me the girls last name is Steele according to Sawyer.
Thomas Sawyer CPO for Mia Grey
I met Sarah Watkins when she first came to Seattle looking for a job. I recommended her for the job she has now. Jason had a friend needing bodyguards for six individuals 18 and under. It was going to be a tough assignment. Two mannies were needed as well and security staff. Pretty much a complete staff. It was going to be a tough assignment because the parents who hired them were killed in a car crash prior to following through with a relocation, the girl looked like this was something she was possibly used to happening. Or it just hasn't hit her yet that her parents are dead.
Sarah Watkins
I tell Thomas thanks for the job recommendation, the job description is good, but we have done so much. It is like miss Steele is trying to keep busy all the time to not allow the death of her parents sink in. A lot has happened apparently, including an embezzlement of her parents estates, assets and the trust funds. They are still tracking down the Steeles assets. The parents were killed by a hit and run driver. The cops identified the parents and had them cremated. So they did really see their parents dead. I have never seen them cry, but then I am not with them 24/7. I know soon they will cry if they aren't already. I am not sure if the younger children understand they have no parents left yet.
I look back and realize I have seen those two girls photos somewhere. Then I realize they graduated from the school I enrolled Robert, Susan and Raymond into. If I had time I would check it out. I finally realize that Sarah knows who they are or she wouldn't be talking y the guy who looked like a CPO himself. So I ask her who they were.
Sarah Watkins
Miss Steele asks me who the CPO was and who the girls were with him. I explain that it was Kate Kavanagh and Mia Grey.
Mia Grey is she related to Carrick Grey the attorney?
Yes she is his daughter, I must have seen her photo and his home when we had to handle all the legal affairs. I need to remind miss Steele to eat yet again. Plus I am hungry as well. She forgets to eat, she keeps herself very busy and all the children. I think she just doesn't want them to stop and realize the truth of the matter that their parents are dead. I keep expecting them to walk into the house any time.
The Hot Spot is the first place I find to eat at. It is a cozy family like restaurant. I just got a call from Susan, she is telling me someone doesn't believe she is Roberts fraternal twin, because the date they were born is different. They were born six hours apart and Susan had to delivered by Caesarean section, while Robert came out fast and furiously crying according to mom and dad. Susan couldn't be reached and they had no choice but to deliver by caesarean section. I tell her to have whoever it is check their facts before calling someone a liar about something.
I look up on line and what happened to Robert and me is not uncommon. So I bookmark it and then post it on Facebook.

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