The New York Weddings

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Mia asked if I would mind if they took their vows right after we did, she said that would just do a five minute ceremony and I believed her. Okay it took ten minutes, but I had to give her a little grief about the extra five minutes. In truth I was hoping we would do a double wedding. They brought in a wedding cake of their own with four people on top of it. It was cute, a female clown and a male clown, it had a bride and groom as well. Mia and Mathew were the clowns. We all laughed when we saw the cake. The wedding was wonderful even Kate was doing better. Elliott finally broke down and explained that he needed the the recordings from that party in Vegas. He said it contained the attack on Kate.
Our wedding was great and to add to the day Micah and Mia took their vows again right after we did. The clown wedding cake was great. It actually tasted better than our cake. But the cake maker used a recipe Micah had created for it. The cake disappeared very quickly, we had plenty of ours. It definitely did taste better than ours. We had a great time and finally went back to our honeymoon suite. It was a good thing it wasn't far from Christian and Anastasia's place. Tia was ready to fall asleep, Mia and Micah walked with us and security as well.
Honeymoon in Aspen was the best, all four of us went and enjoyed every minute of our time. We went skiing, snowboarding, horse riding, then we went to Barbados and flew back to Seattle. Kate was a lot better when we arrived back home. Tia, Mia and Anastasia had to answer questions about that night. The guys they defended Kate against hired an ambulance chaser and tried to get them off the charges and they filed a law suit against them.
I am headed to Vegas with Anastasia, Mia, Tia and Kate. Christian has sent his legal brainiacs with me. We have medical records along with all the videos with us to show exactly what these guys were up to when they shoved past security. We found footage proving they had been paid to do this. Anastasia said if they were using anything they would have went down in a good stiff wind. You could see it took a lot to take the guys down. We not only will get a dismissal of their law suit we will have a bigger list to sue against and larger pockets. A few of the guys were wealthy and from wealthy families. They got revenge against the Grey family because they mishandled their inherited companies finances and were about to lose everything when Christian and Elliott saved the companies and their employees jobs by purchasing them and restructuring them. One thing that came from this is Kate learning self defense. She is also learning how to use things in her purse as deterrents against attackers. Even a nail file. The wedding photos turned out very nice with Barney Miller doing some fantastic editing. He definitely is worth every penny of what Christian pays him. He helped get some videos of the perpetrators conversation regarding the attack on the bachelorette party. It explained why they were able to get inside and do all the damage they did. The leader might not be able to reproduce after seeing what he had done to him. I don't want to come up against my daughters or Anastasia and neither should anyone else. They were not only tough they showed the other girls a way to use what they carried in their purses.
When we found out about it being a revenge attack we decided to take action against all of them including the hotel. Trials were separate and it will take a while. Kate suffered the most, we definitely separated her law suit and trials from the others. Now they are losing the money we paid them for their families companies to attorneys and bail. Plus they will be paying a settlement on top of it all. My attorneys are working on this and making it very public that if you seek revenge you will pay in jail and your pocket.
We have to go back for the trial and the law suits. The hotel settled with all of us based on injuries and mental anguish. Kate might have won a nice sum, but that doesn't make the fear or pain go away. She had to have two surgeries on her nose after they worked on it in the hospital. They laughed the guys out of court with their attempts to sue us. They tried to use an edited version of the actual cctv footage. Christian got the footage that showed everything from every angle along with them planning it.
I feel better about the ordeal now I know the men are going to lose everything and go to jail as well. They seemed shocked to know that Anastasia the other target of theirs was one of the women who hurt them. It was considered self defense and coming to the aid of a victim. So the charges and law suit against her was dropped along with the other women. Anastasia stood beside me all the way through it.
I got to see my grandchildren a bit more than I normally do. The manny's were very good and security was tight after the Vegas attack. The twins are back from their honeymoons. The Fords are thrilled and can't wait for grand babies. I think that will be a while. I am hoping for more as well, but they are still getting their companies up and running together. They visit with us on family nights. We are family at this point. Tia and Mia have an injury from the party. A scar from glass on their collarbone by the guys they helped get off of Kate. One is left and the other is right.

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