Things Happen

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I had little Elliott after a sharp pain in the middle of the night. Elliott was calling everyone. Grace came over and arrived before the ambulance. I was holding the baby with it's umbilical cord still attached trying to get him cleaned off. Thank God Grace arrived and immediately cleaned him up and got him alert and screaming. She cleaned the mucous from his mouth, nose and got him screaming so his lungs will clear. They put him on oxygen as soon as the EMTs arrived Grace explained why it was needed and she rode with me and the baby. We found out that little Elliott dropped suddenly and didn't stop until he arrived.
I hope our baby isn't like little Elliott and arrives unexpectedly. Tia and Mia somehow got a bad batch of the shot and both are due within a week of each other. Stella got married to Ryan Douglas our home security and they are expecting their first. We gave them a month off and apparently they got pregnant then. So she and I are due the same day. I had her hire an assistant to help her with everything she does. We built two more homes on the property and bought the place next to us after they had paparazzi climbing over their fence and trying to get photos of our families. Christian made them a good deal and paid for their move. Gail and Taylor moved into the home and it is considered his home office and he had everything updated, now no one can get photos or onto the property via the neighbors. They want to get photos of the very pregnant Grey and Ford women.
I am so angry about the shot and now I find out that I am having twins. Micah and all our families are thrilled about the pregnancy. They are going to settle with Tia and I about the bad batch of shots. I am still in denial and I am scared about having twins after mom and Mrs Ford told me about when they had us and our husbands. I wasn't frightened enough already. My OB/GYN told me it is different for everyone. Like Kate had one sharp pain and little Elliott arrived right after that. Dr Roberts said that is rare, but happens, but I will be watched closer since I am having twins. Tia is having more than one as well. Mathew and Micah are thrilled, but they aren't the pregnant ones. Tia and I had to stop working so much and had to hire two people to replace us in management.
I can't look at food and the smells are really bad. Mom has told me different tricks to settle my stomach. Mia has had one morning of being ill. Micah and Mathew are comparing our sonograms. Anastasia is doing well in her pregnancy. Even Stella is doing well in her pregnancy. I am starting to think the water at Christian and Anastasia is getting the females pregnant. Prescott is pregnant and on desk duty now. She handles other things now.
Two months later I am in labor and we get a call about Mia and Anastasia on their way to the hospital after a shopping trip for baby shower gifts for Stella. Someone hit their car and they are on their way to the hospital where we are now.
I have Taylor drive me to hospital and we have to pick up Micah on the way to the hospital. Mia was in the car as well. Teddy was with his manny. He didn't want to go shop for baby things. He is a bit jealous right now. We have had little Elliott over and he wasn't happy. Mom said he is used to being the star of the show and now he will have all kinds of babies taking the spotlight from him and Ava.
My labor pains started right after the car hit us from behind. They had to get me and Mia from the car immediately before the tank exploded. Mia was unconscious the last time I saw her. We both were taken in separate ambulances. I told them she was pregnant with twins and dr Roberts was both our OB/GYN and to give her a call. Apparently she is busy delivering difficult twins. Christian finds me and tells me Tia went into labor and is having her twins and Mia had her twin boys Gabriel and Artemis Ford. Luckily we have our names picked out for both a girl and a boy. Finally my water broke and no doctor yet. Grace came in to tell me the dr Roberts was delivering Tia's and Mathew's twins now. So she said that she and the on call OB will be delivering our child.
I am holding Tia's hand while she has our first son Alexander, Andrew arrives shortly afterward. Both were very healthy for coming early. They were very noisy when they arrived, so they had no problem breathing. They look like Tia, Micah sent me photos of Gabriel and Artemis and they look like him.
Anastasia finally gives birth to a tiny girl and we named her Phoebe Grace, but she isn't done having labor pains. We get another baby girl Madison Leigh, and I have number three Annabelle Gail Grey and finally I am done I hope. So does Anastasia.
I tell Christian four is enough for me. He just grins and asks why we didn't know about three babies and they are identical triplets.
I call and have Elliott help get two nurseries ready for the two surprise babies. Then I order the same things for the other girls we are very shocked about this, mom said she read Anastasia file and the babies were hiding behind each other and it looked like shadows on the sonogram. They couldn't get the sex because the baby hid it. I look and see all three girls look like Anastasia. Teddy looks like me, wait until he finds out he has to protect three little sisters from bullies.

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