Adjusting To Seattle

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I wake up early to head down to see how things are going. I am so not used to staff and I need to get the cars for Susan and Robert soon. So we need to go car shopping and the CPOS can have input into the purchases.
I watch as Anastasia walks out of her room and thank God she is safely in the new place. I can't stay on here long so I check the other five children. All is well. Parker was not as trustworthy as he portrayed himself to be. I am told to turn it off, I am have spent the allotted time.
I only get a minute once a month to view them.
I definitely like this house and we all own it together. Carrick is still finding assets that the attorney used our parents money for. He got all the cars and had the transferred over to me and Susan instead of us going to buy a new car. He bought six cars using my parents money. So they are being transferred into Anastasias name and will be used by all of us when we get our drivers license. The houses are being transferred over to Anastasia contingent on her giving us our shared money if we sell any properties we all git an even share.
We have banking to do and Carrick is assisting is setting everything up for each child. Anastasia, Susan, and Robert are asked to c9me into the bank office while the mannies and the CPOS are all with us. We need a bus to carry all of us.
This can't happen everywhere I go, because college is going to be hectic as it is. Stella says it will calm down once they are not afraid that I won't come back like our mom and dad did. I am starting to think about this and I might have a remedy for this situation. Nursery school for Carl and Allison. If they are busy playing they will possibly play so hard they will not think about it.
We all sit here and listen to Anastasia and Carrick discuss trust funds and accounts of various types and everything is in Anastasia and each of our names. The household account is the only one we will pay for our living expenses. I ask if I can get something for my car? Anastasia agrees to it and Susan asks as well.
I want a bicycle. They agree to buy me one. I show them the type I want. Anastasia said she will have someone go pick it up and pay for it.
Okay this is something you three have to know, because every time you ask for special things I have to decide if it will come from your trust fund later or just put aside equal amounts for each of us from the household accounts. So think before you ask for things. School clothing is going to be an expense and schooling costs as well. So we have to watch our budgets from now on.
I get it, can we know the household expenditures?
Yes you can and you will be shown everything as it comes in. That way you can see the amounts going out as opposed to keeping my siblings from knowing the spending. I think you should be aware of them, but keep in mind that knowing them and how much you have us something not to be discussed outside of family and mr Grey and Stella. Plus the bank only if we are present. Don't tall anyone how much money you have or we have ever without consulting me or mr Grey. Stella is aware of our household funds, but don't ask her to spend unnecessarily.
That goes for everyone right?
Oh you will know if I have to spend any household money on a big item. A big purchase will be openly discussed and we will either get it or not get it. I was thinking that you both could use new beds. But that is up to you both. But today we are here for trust funds and savings for all of us. Six equal trust funds and savings. I need to set up a checking account for my personal use and one for household expense. Mr Grey decided that the life insurance policies should be placed in a trust. He had us set up the household expense accounts. It pays staff and everything else. The cash and property are for household expenses and we each get a a weekly allowance. Mine goes into my own checking.
I ask if I can set up a checking account as well? Mr Grey and the banker tell me I had to be 18 years old. If an adult adds me to their account I can have one. Susan wants one as well. So we set it up and one for Susan as well. Raymond wanted to get one as well, but we have to make sure everything is kept in a locked box. Mr Grey and the banker made sure that two signatures were needed on the minors accounts. Which includes me.
I told all three of them that I would be the second signature and I would keep their checking accounts locked up. Mr Grey explained that if their friends found out they had the kind of money they have they would try to get them to buy them things and would drain their accounts until they had nothing left.
I told them about a case where I had to represent a young man who made the huge mistake of telling his friend about having a checking account and showed him the account. The account required two signatures and apparently his friend knew that the owner of the account would be held liable for any overdraft monies and fees. So he talked the boy into writing a check for more than the account balance and he did and signed both signatures and cashed the check and got the cash. I had to sue to get the money back from the friend. The friend stole three checks and cash3d them, he finally admitted to keeping all the money from the first cashed check. He had promised to pay his friend back, but instead he stole three more checks and cash3d them. It took a while, but he paid every dime back with interest, fees and had to pay my attorney fees.

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