Elliott's News

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Kate shows me the newspaper this morning apparently we made national news. They got all four of us coming out of the Love Me Tender chapel . I don't recall seeing anyone taking photos.
You would be surprised at what cameras these days can get a photo of these days. They can get a close up from quite a distance.
We need to tell Christian about this and escape before the paparazzi find us. Get packed up while I try to find out who released that photo originally. I call Taylor and he says it was a fluke that someone caught us coming out of the wedding chapel. Because it was only one person who got the photos. He said we need to get the hell out of Vegas and soon.
I go to Christian's suite and pound on the door.
What is wrong Elliott?
They released photos of us coming out of the wedding chapel. We need to leave and now. Kate is waiting down at check out, get showered and let's go.
I tell Anastasia to shower quickly the paparazzi have photos and it won't take long for them to get together and find us and we might be able to get out of here. A knock comes again and the shower starts and I get an outfit ready for me and Anastasia. Then I pack our bags and go to the door and pray it isn't a reporter. I look out the peep hole and can't see anything at all. A knock comes again. I ask them to move to the peep hole. I see an older version of Anastasia. I open the door and she comes inside along with a very tall gentleman.
Raymond Steele
I introduce myself to my son in law and tell him they need to get back to Seattle and quickly. We have Elliott and Kate waiting for you in a van at the back of the hotel. We checked you both out where is Anastasia?
Carla Steele
Welcome to the family by the way. I am going to hurry Anastasia up.
I come out of the shower and am not surprised to see my mother sitting in the chair by the bed. Christian walks in with dad who is on his phone working out a flight back to Seattle.
I am going to shower very quickly you get dressed and talk to your parents.
We have arranged for a decoy flight for you, your husband and Elliott and his wife. We have to get her to sign an NDA. Nice man you married. Just FYI Rodriguez can't hurt anyone any longer.
The kids seem healthy how are they doing otherwise?
They are okay considering they thought you were dead and no only me and Robert knew the truth we both figured it out. Are you coming back?
Not yet, we had to get you out of Vegas before all hell breaks loose.
I am ready now we need to wait on Christian.
I am done in no times and we are forced into a laundry cart and pushed down to the basement and into a van. Twenty minutes later we are on a military flight back to Seattle. We are driven by a delivery truck to Anastasia's home. My jet was already sent home the night before. Carla and Raymond tell us good bye at her security gate. They don't want the other kids to see them.
Where are the safe room doors? I can't find them.
There is a hidden button next to the light switch in each room. The doors are in the closets.
I need a ride to pick up my car is that possible?
It depends on where it's at?
Where Christian keeps has his jet.
That I can't accomplish.
I can get someone to drive you to it, once we get home safely or to even pick it up.
Have them pick it up, because I think the paparazzi are probably standing guard waiting for more photos, but this time they will surround us and want answers.
We get out and the gate opens up and we carry our luggage up the drive. Robert looks out and runs out, but the van with mom and dad in it has taken off. He helps Kate and I by carrying out luggage.
I am happy you got home safely. The airport was surrounded by paparazzi and they arrested a few of them when they got on the private tarmac where the GEH jet arrived safely the night before. So is it true you both got married in Vegas.
Yes Kate and I got married and Christian and Anastasia got married. Mom and dad definitely know we are married by now. My ex, who was attempting to break Kate and I up since we started seeing each other. She showed up a week ago at forced her way into my apartment. We are moving into a home in the next month.
I called the cops to have her removed from the apartment. Luckily I had prof I liv3d there and she didn't.
I need to talk to you both in private in my study before anything else. I will have the cook fix lunch for all of us afterward. We go to the study while Robert goes and asks the cook to fix food. I need you both to sign NDA's stating you will not mention my mom and dad and you met them and know they are alive. Lives are at risk and people will die for sure. I don't want that happen to anyone else. There are reasons for them not being with their children and I am not at liberty to talk about any of it. So don't ask. My siblings and I will be the first lives taken, but not the last ones.

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