The Party

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Robert reminded me that we needed music for the party, so he organized it all. I finally meet Lisa, I can't imagine them together, but she is a pleasant girl. I welcome our guests while everything is being handled. I dropped the ball on parking the cars though. Taylor thank God brought extra people and they organized it all on the hidden parking lot next to the gate. I need to go ex0lore the property further soon. They keep a place for keys in the guard house. That way they can move the cars around when needed. My parents really went all out on this property.
I see Anastasia running around and two children are following tugging on her blouse. She smiles and stops and bends down and answers whatever question they have asked with a positive answer and they skip off to see Sophie and David. The girl and boy take them up the stairs. I go and catch up to her, she is definitely beautiful and gentle with children. She goes to talk to Gail and Taylor. So I walk over and she offers me a drink. I tell her to stay put I can grab my own drink. Before I can get back to her Elliott has joined them. I see Mia, Tia and Kate heading towards Anastasia. I walk up and she is blushing for some reason. The one thing I noticed is her parents don't seem to be here. I asked her about her parents and where were they at today. A sadness comes over her and quickly leaves.
I answer Christian and explain that my parents are dead and were killed in a car wreck a week before we had been scheduled to move from Tacoma to Seattle. I excuse myself and find a restroom to wipe my eyes. I have tried to keep it together, but it is hard to when I think of my parents demise. I never go into much detail about it all. I decide I am being a bad host and go and join the party and check in on the staff about everything. We are finally all sitting down to a very nice meal. Christian and his family join me, Gail, Taylor and the younger children. I finally meet Grace.
Wow Carrick didn't tell me Anastasia looks like a child even at 18 going on 19 soon. Elliott is flirting with Kate Kavanagh and she is blushing. Mia and Tia are trying to drag her away from him.
Sorry for earlier and upsetting you. Do you have help with your siblings?
Yes a lot of help with them. I have staff that Jason and Gail helped to staff this place with. It was difficult to get used to at first, but I started keeping my siblings busy so they didn't think about the loss of our parents. By doing that I was able to go on with college and what ai had to do for my siblings. Robert is very active in extra curricular projects.
So do you go out on dates?
I haven't been asked on a date, because I think I am too busy to go anyway.
Can you make an exception in your schedule for a date with me? She blushes.
I guess I could make room for a date with you. So where would we go to?
I have a restaurant you would love the view it is formal attire. Do you have anything to wear to the place?
Never had to have a formal or dressy dress, but I am sure I can drum something up.
How is next weekend for you?
Good, I can make arrangements for someone to be here for my siblings. I look over at where Robert and his girlfriend are chattering away. His other friends are rolling their eyes at his attentiveness to Lisa. I feel a hand grasping mine and look up and Christian is smiling at me.
I see her glancing at her brother and I take hold of her hand. I know she is about to turn 19 and has five siblings depending on her to be strong for them. I saw the unshed tears as she excused herself to the restroom. I want to be a should she can cry on. I doubt anyone has seen her cry about her parents deaths. Taylor said she has been strong from day one. She has held her siblings and brought them through it all and had to deal with an attorney who tried to steal everything her parents left her and her siblings nearly leaving them homeless. She got it all back with another attorneys help and the final assets were gotten back recently. The attorney is in jail at this point.
I have tried to get a date with Kate over and over again, but she says I am bit above her age range. One day I will wear her down. Christian got lucky Anastasia is not your typical college student, she is raising her five siblings and running a household. I don't think I had a shot at her, because they both couldn't take their eyes off each other.
I watch as Christian holds Anastasia's hand and talks quietly to her. I saw the tears earlier and I suspect she is missing her parents at this point.
Christian seems to really care for Anastasia. How much do we know about her?
Well that she is raising her five siblings by herself. She might have staff and security, but she is a good and kind person and she isn't after his money. I am sure she has no idea who he is at all. She didn't know a thing about the Grey family.
Okay I will take you at your word. What happened to her parents?
They died in a car wreck driving home after her high school graduation.
That is sad, so she was left raising her siblings. Does Christian know this?
Yes he knows it, Taylor was an old family friend of her fathers from the military, so he helped her with setting up the house and staff and gave her my number to handle the crooked attorney, who was trying to take all her parents estate and accounts. We got the last part back last week and the attorney is in prison now. He was leaving her with nothing at all. Basically homeless and penniless and with her five siblings.

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